first time grow micro personal cfl with scrog


Active Member
Well it looks like you are going to start running into problems if you do not get the 3 plants out of the same container. I have read on here multiple times have plants in soil in the same container is not good when they get bigger. They all start fighting for nutes and can cause each other to not do so well. So I would get them out of the same container ASAP so each has their own before their roots get tangles up.
Well it looks like you are going to start running into problems if you do not get the 3 plants out of the same container. I have read on here multiple times have plants in soil in the same container is not good when they get bigger. They all start fighting for nutes and can cause each other to not do so well. So I would get them out of the same container ASAP so each has their own before their roots get tangles up.

okay thanks for the info, sorry for such a rookie mistake, will transplant tonight post pics when done. thanks


How many watts are your cfls? 2 might not be enough for 3 plants I used 6 for 2. Looks like a good setup tho


Well-Known Member
Great start! And for a micro grow, you seem to have nice short squat starter plants. Whatever you've been doing seems to be right.

He was right about the separate pots.
You also want to be cautious of aluminum foil, it can cause hot spots and burns. The chips bags are good, mylar is good. Survival blanket, walmart $1.88, camping area.

Your lights are probably good for now, but if you can add more lights and keep the temperatures happy, then your plants would grow faster and denser with more lights.

I just ran 3 plants from start to finish on CFLs. I used at one point 14 light bulbs. You can check my journal in my sig if you want details.

Good luck!! Happy Growing!
Great start! And for a micro grow, you seem to have nice short squat starter plants. Whatever you've been doing seems to be right.

He was right about the separate pots.
You also want to be cautious of aluminum foil, it can cause hot spots and burns. The chips bags are good, mylar is good. Survival blanket, walmart $1.88, camping area.

Your lights are probably good for now, but if you can add more lights and keep the temperatures happy, then your plants would grow faster and denser with more lights.

I just ran 3 plants from start to finish on CFLs. I used at one point 14 light bulbs. You can check my journal in my sig if you want details.

Good luck!! Happy Growing!
gidget, I just read your whole post. very informative great grow. I actually had to text my gf at college and tell her to grab those splitters for the lights, never seen them in my area.

With a 9" box fan (unsure of cfm) how many more lights do you think i need in my small grow space? could i compensate for low lights with better reflection?

The tin foil will come out as soon as i eat some more of the kids snacks :roll:

While reading your post I noticed the ghetto growers group, you think I have good enough redneck engineering skills to get a invite? or is it even invite only?

um the short plants...:-? I expected a height issue from the start so i kept putting a 1/4" soil on the plant after it sprouted, dry soil, till i got the soil to the top of the container. in hopes of dwarfing my plants.

pbbro my lights are 100watt equivalents from wal mart, 2 to a pkg. for $8.
more back history for accurate grow journal.

mar 10th - planted germinated seeds in soil (mg moisture control)

mar 12th - sprouts above soil

mar 13th - at time had 4 pc fans 2 exhaust 2 intake temps as high as 99.4

mar 15th - lvld out temps (9" 2 speed box fan from Dollar Store) - stay .7 degrees warmer than ambient house temp. of 69.0 morning temp 78.3 middle affternoon temp.

up to now plants were in soda bottle with wick system to me seems like it did too good of a job at keeping soil moist.

mar 20th - traded 2 plants for half oz. :bigjoint:

mar 20th - transplanted to 5" round self watering from walmart, 2 plants to each container. (after a talk with my gf we decided that we felt more comfortable with keeping them in same containers based on space and my attempts at scrog not started yet. and sex of plant.)

mar 21 - 2 plants in sep containers have 1 yellow brown spot on one leaf. believe was a heat issue. but not for sure. see attached pics and please comment as to your opinions of cause.

mar 22 - one of the plants i transplanted the other day looks like i might have stressed to much

mar 24 - stress plant doing little better leaves still curling but coming back, been running my 2 100watt equiv. CFL lights 24/0 since day one.

having trouble finding tutorials for scrog and topping. found lots with good info but i need step by step pics before i feel safe doing it. :confused:

also see attached pic of my hand made scrog net. hope it works.

my nutes in attached pic is hard to read but its mg liquid houseplant food 8-7-6
says use 10 -20 drops in 1qt water every watering. i know that probably is not right so any nute experts please comment on proper directions i am open to making my own if you have a recipe i can get ingredients for in my area.

again please comment tell your buddies to comment, and anyone with the ghetto growers group, im intrested in joining. +rep to any good advice as always

