First time grow - need advice/help urgent!


Active Member
Hi everybody, my seeds sprouted about 12 days ago. I'm using Miracle gro soil, and some rocks for drainage.
The grow have been good so far until a few days ago, my plants started getting yellowish and losing kind of losing their color. One of them as you will see in the picture is getting brownish (#5). Are they dying? What can i do to save them?:wall:. I got myself a Miracle gro "Pour and Feed" Plant food, on the back the specs says its .02 - .02 - .02, will this be any good for feeding them?. Anyways my soil it is supposed to feed them for 3 months so I don't think it has anything to do with that. Need some help, thanks in advance!.:leaf:



Well-Known Member
3 month release is strong for seedlings.... so overwatering is a problem, because it can cause nute burn..... so watering for drainage is a no-no with 3 month release in the beginning because you're releasing a lot of nutes and seedling don't need nutes for the first 3 weeks.... Nutes for veg should have a high N and a low P and the K should be higher than the P..... something like 24-8-16 is reasonable and thats Miracle Gro all purpose plant food...

Bud Frosty

Well-Known Member
Looks like overwatering. Take a pen or pencil and poke some holes in the soil about 1&1/2" away from the plant about 2" deep. This will help the soil dry and allow some oxygen to reach the roots. Refrain from watering for 2 days or until the soil has dried noticeably. When planting seeds, moisten the soil initially before planting and then just use a mist bottle as needed to keep the top layer of soil moist. Seedlings can drown very easy but, as they grow they will become more forgiving.

Good luck!