first time grow need help sexing


Active Member
this is my first time attempting to grow. I have had the plants on 12/12 for about 10 days now but not sure what i'm really looking for. from other pictures i've looked at i was thinking it might be a hermie,but would like some other imput from more expeienced eyes. Please let me know what you think.



Active Member
sorry man thats a male, i would chop it down befor it pollinates any other plants in your crop if you have any........................... fucking hate when they turn male sorry bout your luck..............


Active Member
thanks for the imput. I have 4 other plants going right now i wil have pics tommorow, hopefully i get atleast 1 female.


Active Member
sorry but i'm a newbie and have no clue what mini sex is or what i'm looking for.. I would love to be able to presex them. So if you have any links or pics that would help me out that would be much apreciated.