First Time Grow, Outdoors in Southern Hemisphere.


Active Member
Hi, I planted my seed (random seed, have no idea about strain), in late September (I live in rural South Australia). Once the seedling was too big for the pot I replanted it into the ground. My plant has been flowering since the start of March so week 3 ends tomorrow. I have used Sea-sol approximately 5 times since planting the last time being last week. I am just looking for reassurance that my plant is doing ok, that my flower sights are going to eventually beef up and what strain that this could possibly be. I have tied down the two main stems a little so they are hidden from being seen over the fence, the plant without being tied down stands approx 5ft 6in, I dunno, any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Awesome first plant. A real healthy sativa :mrgreen:.
Looks like you won't be harvesting till sometime in may like me. Keep doing what you're doing man, great job so far.

Looks like a bad ass strain too, wouldn't be surprised if it's a pure sativa or close to.


Active Member
Fantastic, I was hoping that everything was cruising along ok. Been trying to research it and thought it could have been a sativa because of the leaves but wasn't honestly sure. Yay! Cheers for that!


Well-Known Member
Yeah and they also only started flowering at the start of march which makes me think it's a 100% sativa because my Malawi(pure sati) started around the same time. Indicas will start flowering from jan-mid feb at the latest.

Keep us updated!


Active Member
Another question quickly if thats ok, how much bigger will it grow? As you can see, it doesn't have a lot of room in its quiet little corner. I don't want to damage it by pulling its stems down too much.

Also, is that a good thing that it could possibly be a pure sativa? have smoked for years but never knew what strain I was smoking or tried to grow, its so expensive these days that I cant afford not to grow my own personal crop, not sure if you can call one plant a crop but oh well. Loving the positive feedback, feel so much better now!


Well-Known Member
Don't know how much bigger it will grow, how much has it grown on the last week?. Just leave her as she is and she'll be sweet.

Yes! a pure sativa is rare these days and in my opinion way better to smoke. Hope you get some racy trippy shit.
Not many people grow pure or Landrace strains any more. how does she smell?.


Active Member
Not totally sure, approx 1.5 - 2 inches in the past 3 weeks id say...

She doesn't smell all that potent yet but there is still an aroma there which smells tasty. I only smoke approx 1 oz every 1.5 to 2 months so am really hoping to get my years supply off this baby, the stronger the smoke the less I need, then I will be cheering for next season to start again (will put some TLC into the soil between seasons) so hopefully the fact that I am growing in the same spot doesn't effect the plant too much either.


Active Member
that's def sativa strain 90% or higher.. id say you get a pretty girl on your hands, keep up the good work! also looks like it could afford to have a little pk boost if you want her to beef up! wish my babies would hurry up and get that big! (by the way, sativas are known for being able to grow very tall.. from 5 to 10)


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be surprised if they're pure sativa, looks like a little but of african influence.

What're you feeding her now? I'd start kicking up the PK now bro. Bat guano is primo


Active Member
Also, she wont grow heaps bigger will she? she is now in the 4th week of flowering and is standing at close to 6ft? Hope I can keep her from popping over the fence :?


Well-Known Member
Not too sure, entirely strain dependant. It'll be sweet, just tie it back if it does.
My bad should of said P-K. Looking really good man.


Active Member
Cheers mate, what a problem to have (omg my plant is too big) hahaha....bring on may! cant wait to taste her! being a female myself, that seems a little wrong to write but fk it im excited! :D


Active Member
Ok so I caught up with the person who gave me the seed today and he told me that it is a sensimilla plant so now I need to research what this means. If anyone has any tips for this strain, that would be coolio.


Active Member
Lol... sensimilia is the name givsen to weed that doesn't have seeds in it. Back in the day when it was growing wild everywhere the weed all had seed thru it. So when the ganja farmers started pulling males and producing bud with no seed in it, sensimilia, it was a big deal, still is in some places. When a flower or bud is pollenated it stops focusing all its energy on making more bud and starts producing seed.


Active Member
Yeah I have been reading up and thats what I read. I am a newbie, have smoked for years not knowing what I am smoking and now I am growing my first grow not knowing what I am growing. Everyone starts somewhere I guess, this is where I am starting....clueless lol. I will get there in the end. Sativa is a sure thing I just wish I knew more about it so I could research it better and care for it better.