First time grow - PC grow box & kit



I was thinking about buying this PC planter box to start my first time grow....
As i am complete beginner is this everything i need? It comes with a lot of kit. It has to be a small grow, (max 2 plants at a time) and in a compact box as it has to be very discrete (has to sit in the corner of my garden shed virtually un-noticeable)

Was just wondering if anyone would comment on whether this was a good choice of grow box or not?

And is there anything i should take into account?
+ with a hydroponic system how often would it need topping up with water?

should i buy this system:

Pretty much the same ( the mesh rack in the second one does seem to be useful)
And the price of the second one is considerably cheaper.

And what sort of bud should i grow?
I was thinking white widow, as it is apparently consistent, good yielder and is quite small, which is ideal as i have to grow it in these small compact boxes

Thanks for reading this, and any help would be greatly appreciated!:)

And dont forget, this is my complete first time, so dont take the piss :)


Personally i like the t he first one but if money is a issue go with the second one. A good amount of people will say growing with cfl's are not as good as metalH or High Pressure Sodium. While have never done mh or hps i am more incline to believe that you will get a better grow, from what i read, from the first choose.


Ok thanks :)

I think i will invest in a mesh rack for the first one then, as the low stress method of wrapping the stem around the mesh seems like a good idea to make sure the plant does not get too close to the light :)

And money isn't too much of an issue, i have plenty of time:)
And the frist one seems to come with everything i need to grow from start to finish fairly easily :)