First time grow possible problems

Hello fellow growers and tokers,
My cousin (to afriad to post himself) thinks his seedling in dwc may have a nitrogen deficiency, its day 7 since sprouting, day five since move to dwc (6.0ph, 200ppm using jungle juice three part), he knows it was probably a little quick to move to dwc but the taproot was growing out of the bottom of the pot and he didnt want to have any root damage, but the first true leaves are a lighter green then the seedling leaves and now the segmented leave is starting to come out and it is also light green, he has three others in soil and they are a darker green but are also growing slower, he might just be paranoid but he wanted to ask.


Well-Known Member
still looks healthy to me....generally soil grows will produce darker plants and slower veg growth but imo are easier to maintain


Well-Known Member
That's normal, as DRKing said, new growth always lighter than old, grow on my friend.