First time grow - PPP from Nirvana

Potseed McGee

Active Member
April 1

Well, a couple more updates. Plants aren't improving, but don't appear to be getting considerably worse so I am unsure. I can't tell if I have nute burn or heat stress or a combination of it all.

Additionally, when I woke up this morning the cubes my seedlings were in were completely dry (crumbling in fact). I was afraid they were dead. I have since heavily moistened their cubes and apparently still live.

Im not sure where/how to proceed at this point.


Well-Known Member
i do see your point, the tent and CMH haven't had the result you hoped for at this point
it can be tough to find the zone, but once you do these troubles will fade away
your PPP still looks good to me, if i'm looking at the right plant
you could put one plant back under your old grow setup with the cfl's
try it for a couple of days and see if there is a change, won't cost anything on the positive note

Potseed McGee

Active Member
i do see your point, the tent and CMH haven't had the result you hoped for at this point
it can be tough to find the zone, but once you do these troubles will fade away
your PPP still looks good to me, if i'm looking at the right plant
you could put one plant back under your old grow setup with the cfl's
try it for a couple of days and see if there is a change, won't cost anything on the positive note
Well as you mentioned earlier, it's hard to tell what is causing the issue. The plants probably weren't ready for that drastic increase in light. And to have been transplanted the same day! Into non-flushed soil.. hard to say.

They aren't getting drastically worse, so they may be recovering. I have no idea how long it might take to come back to growing though, and thats annoying. Regardless, I'll be switching to 12/12 here the next day or so.

I'm going to buy 'Revive' by Advanced Nutrients to see if they help it out.

Will update over the next few days.

Potseed McGee

Active Member
All may not yet be lost!

April 2

It looks like my babies are growing again. Unfortunately who can tell why, I added one teaspoon to roughly a gallon of water (with more humboldt roots) of Revive by Advanced Nutrients, but unfortunately I can't tell you if that's whats helped or just the 3 days of time recovering.

So.. the existing leafs still look pretty bad, but there is new growth, and the new growth looks great so hopefully my babies aren't dead yet.

The seedlings are doing better, well. One is doing better, the other is barely struggling to stay alive it looks like. I put them both into pots today (recycled my old ones, washed in blistering hot water and soap, no bleach available). and gave them a good amount of water. We shall see if they recover. I could put something over them to increase humidity, would that be wise to do?

Other than that.. it's been stupid hot in my tent/room/house. The tent maxed at 95F and no doubt stayed there for quite some time. It doesn't appear to have hurt them terribly.. so ?

I put some panda paper in front of the window in hopes to eliminate the excessive amount of daytime heat it brings in and turned up the AC. Unfortunately, the AC doesnt cool that room down quickly. I left the tent open for 10 minutes or so and got it back to 86F ish.

Today I switch to 12/12. I'm thinking around 3pm to 3am. To help offset the mid day heat


Well-Known Member
you do seem to have major heat issues, from the sounds of things you may be limited in control of that
if you can't cool it further, increased ventilation is your main hope
the seedlings may be suffering from the small starter pot(?) and drying out, covering in such a hot situation may be dangerous
the PPP looks like it may have been short on nitrogen, the plant draws nitrogen from the lower leaves and sends it to the new growth
not sure what was in the new nute, but upper plant looks pretty good

Potseed McGee

Active Member
you do seem to have major heat issues, from the sounds of things you may be limited in control of that
if you can't cool it further, increased ventilation is your main hope
the seedlings may be suffering from the small starter pot(?) and drying out, covering in such a hot situation may be dangerous
the PPP looks like it may have been short on nitrogen, the plant draws nitrogen from the lower leaves and sends it to the new growth
not sure what was in the new nute, but upper plant looks pretty good
That's interesting actually. The Revive is a 1.5-0-0 supplement. If it is indeed nitrogen deficient, I wonder if i should give it another shot of the revive..

I have the temps back down to 85F ish. we'll see how the heat of the day affects it.


Well-Known Member
be cautious with hitting it on consecutive days, easy to go too far
the lower leaves should also show some increased color if it's nitrogen that they are short on
the soil is FF light warrior, or something like that? that does sound like a lower nute level soil

Potseed McGee

Active Member
be cautious with hitting it on consecutive days, easy to go too far
the lower leaves should also show some increased color if it's nitrogen that they are short on
the soil is FF light warrior, or something like that? that does sound like a lower nute level soil
Since the transplant its mostly FF OF, my seedlings are entirely in FF Light Warrior.

I'll give them until Sunday and see, if so I'll shoot 'em with more, I think ill keep them on 24/0 until that time as well.

Potseed McGee

Active Member
I woke up again today and it was hot as shit and the plants were light green. I decided I wasn't going to let it get warm again and bought a window AC so that should eliminate any and all heat problems. I just hope it is not too late.

I gave my plants a shot of revive and the last of the bio-grow sample, and unless my eyes are deceiving me a good portion of the new leaves started turning green again. We'll see how it goes, but if that is the case I may keep shooting them with it.

The new seedling looks like its about to die, so I don't have hope they will live.

Potseed McGee

Active Member
Well it may have been too early to count these guys out.

April 3

So, despite the shock they apparently are loving the new soil and/or light. Look at all that new growth! The PPP exploded since the last side shot. Quite amazing really. They also are definitely greener after the revive/bio-grow mixture I gave them. Sounds like I may need to be giving them nutes, or at least regular shorts of the Revive (all N, no P or K).

Oh yeah.. when I was taking the pictures.. an oh-so familiar scent crossed my nose.. yum!

Potseed McGee

Active Member
April 4

Started 'flowering'; Unfortunately I apparently didn't know how to set it correctly, so the light was off between 3pm yesterday and 6:30am this morning. It should be fixed now.

I did notice my room smelled like some ganja when I walked in, so I stacked the carbon filter on the exhaust inline fan (6", 470cfm) until I can get it mounded inside properly.

On one of the plants you can see how light green the new growth is (compared to just yesterday). It seems the Revive brings back the green coloring. I'm not sure I can keep hitting the plant with the Revive and if that would even be a good idea?

Would really appreciate some input on this


Well-Known Member
interesting, plants aren't perfect but not really unhealthy either
there is some nutrient/water/ph issue here, not sure exactly what
hard to believe it's a nitrogen issue with the ocean forest soil and size of the plants/containers
different strains are showing similar issues
some means of testing your soil/outflow may be called for here
there are inexpensive test strips that show many nutrient levels
other than that, the only thing i can suggest is molasses tea
molasses has many trace nutrients, kind of a 'trace nute shotgun'
from 1 tsp to 1 tbsp per gallon of water, keep it shaken with air to keep it oxygenated

Potseed McGee

Active Member
April 6

It's kind of hard to tell what is going on with my plants. Oh and to make matters more fun, I remembered I fucked up the timer on my lights, so its now going from 6:30am to 3pm instead of 3am to 3pm. I'm not sure if fixing it is going to hurt the plants or not (nearly 4th day of flowering).

Only the top leaves are yellowing..not sure why yet. Still looking into it.

Potseed McGee

Active Member
I'm starting to think it's a pH issue, and seems consistent with Zinc def/N lockout. When I give it Revive, it comes back, looks green and great and then the next day its back to yellow. The Revive has Zinc in it.. so maybe? I'm considering buying a pH meter and ph Up/Down


Well-Known Member
i wasn't able to see the pic for some reason, so just going from your description
if the revive helps, seems reasonable to use as needed
ph issues can impair the absorption of many nutrients
a zinc deficiency would be rather exotic, it's possible, but choosing between the likelihood of ph issue or zinc issue, ph is going to be more likely
if you look over in the plant problem form stickies, there's a list of common problems
it shows an iron deficiency as showing up as yellowing in the new growth, not saying that's the problem, just that there is a good pic and description

Potseed McGee

Active Member
i wasn't able to see the pic for some reason, so just going from your description
if the revive helps, seems reasonable to use as needed
ph issues can impair the absorption of many nutrients
a zinc deficiency would be rather exotic, it's possible, but choosing between the likelihood of ph issue or zinc issue, ph is going to be more likely
if you look over in the plant problem form stickies, there's a list of common problems
it shows an iron deficiency as showing up as yellowing in the new growth, not saying that's the problem, just that there is a good pic and description
I apologize for not being clearer, I believe the pH issue is causing a Zinc deficiency as well as possibly nute lockout. I'm tempted to go buy a real pH meter and up/down solutions. I want this resolved, tired of running into problems


Well-Known Member
was finally able to view the latest pic, it is an interesting look for the plant
from pics i have seen of plants with ph issues, this could be a ph problem
certainly not the worst case by a long shot
ph drops are very cheap and very accurate, used to measure the ph of the water going in and coming out
the only problem using them is if the water(in or out) is already strongly colored
that makes the color change for the ph measurement tough to read
if you plan on more grows, many here will say to buy a good ph meter
i've made due with the drops myself, so can't suggest which meter would be best

Potseed McGee

Active Member
was finally able to view the latest pic, it is an interesting look for the plant
from pics i have seen of plants with ph issues, this could be a ph problem
certainly not the worst case by a long shot
ph drops are very cheap and very accurate, used to measure the ph of the water going in and coming out
the only problem using them is if the water(in or out) is already strongly colored
that makes the color change for the ph measurement tough to read
if you plan on more grows, many here will say to buy a good ph meter
i've made due with the drops myself, so can't suggest which meter would be best
Well this is certainly odd, I bought pH up/down (which came with drops) and the hannah tester. Here are my results:

I've been using the Brita water primarily, but what is interesting is when I test the soil, the very first time i stuck it in the soil it was like 5.6, i washed it and stuck it back in (into an area with more moisture as that probably affects it) and got a 7.6-7.9 between all 3 plants.

I'm going to wait a little bit, try one more time but this makes sense now.


Well-Known Member
if the 7.6-7.9 is true, that would likely explain your issues
there is a ph chart around here that shows the degree of availability of various nutrients over ph ranges
nitrogen would not be much available at this range, not locked, but restricted
add more nitrogen and a bit gets through to the plant, probably just enough to keep it growing