First time grow question?


Well-Known Member
right after flush, see your removing everything from the soil good and bad, you need to replace the good.
If you justdo water then there aren't nearly as many good micro critters (thats what the molasses is half for) orr
the other good molasses is is it provides carbs (sugar) and that makes tighter buds and faster growing.
It's in alot of nute products such as Advanced Nutes CarboLoad, it's a $15 bottle of watered down molasses LMFAO


Cool... I had to make due with the grandma's, I couldn't find the blackstrap anywhere.
Oh and, where do you get that fafard soil on your gro toolz page? That sounds good to plant baby clones in. I think I still have a few days left, need to get a heating mat at some point... I have one with 3 roots showing, and another one with 1 large root with the side-veins on it...


So, I started flowering on Monday. I replaced the top hanging bulbs with 42w soft white bulbs, and replaced one of the lower bulbs with a 18w soft white bulb. Brings my total lumens to 18,100 with a 2-1 ratio on the soft white side. So, total I have 3 42w 2700k, 4 18w 2700k, and 4 26w 6500k daylight bulbs...

I also repotted one of the ww's into a 3g pot. It was my 1st ever real transplant and it went picture perfect. Unfortunately, I didn't have as much luck on my 2nd attempt. I transplanted the '91 chemdawg into a 1.5g pot ( I had thought my pots were 2g, but they are in fact 1.5g) and the root system wasn't as developed as I had thought. I had some root tips exiting the drain holes and thought I was good to go. The soil ended up breaking in half in the very middle, and ripping every root. It looks like she will be fine, I had some new growht this morning. The difference in visible roots between the cd and ww has taught me a valuable lesson on transplant timing.

Anyhow, I also have my veg box up and running. I need to get a couple pc fans for circulation and ventilation. For now, I have to put a fan up in front of the box once the house ac turns off in the evening. But, so far my 1st cuttings ever are developing nicely. I actually had my 1st 1/4 inch of vertical growth on them last night. And, the roots are going crazy!

One question though...
The last picture shows some golden colored spotting on the leaves. There is a few more spots like this, mostly on the older leaves. I have been following phenom420's water/feeding instructions to the letter. It looks like the newest leaves that formed in the past 2 days are free from the spots, but I want to be sure. Any help will be greatly appreciated...



Well-Known Member
Lookin good, that looks like some minor root burn, on the next feeding just go a little lighter (not much) then back to where you were the next week.
Should be just fine.
Good luck on flowering, Ill be watching man.


Well, it's been quite a while since I've made an update. I will be harvesting the 1st ww on Saturday. I plan on letting the 2nd go for another 2 weeks, and the '91 chemdawg will go for another 4, since she had a tough time recovering. I'm just glad there are no signs of hermies, as I've heard this strain is known for that with stress.

Anyhow, I've made a few improvements. I got rid of the dresser, and have larger areas all around. Added a 250w hps in the flower. I have a 200 cfm exhaust fan, which I plan on upgrading to the 460 cfm neighborhood asap. I have my old 50 cfm exhaust running in the veg box, which will be replaced by the 200 that's currently in the flower box. I also plan on upgrading to a 150w mh for veg, which will be supplemented with cfl's, just like the flower. Both boxes have passive intakes that work extremely well. My only problem after getting the hps, is my veg temps get down to 69 in order to achieve 73 in flower. Which is why I need more cfm's in flower...
I also installed the ac unit in the window. Built a simple table that rests on the sill of the open window, and catches on the inside of the sill. Outside the legs sit on concrete, which helps with stability and vibration/noise issues. I cut a piece of plexiglass to fill the empty space and taped it in with foil tape. A nice strip of caulking inside and out and it's perfectly sealed. I also put a cheap kitchen rubber-mat from walmart between the ac and the support table. I run the fan on auto at 70 for the same time flower lights are on. (12 hours)
And finally, I am almost finished turning my old veg box into a bud dryer. The usb powered pc fans are simple, cheap (from and effective. I will let you guys know how it works. Tests have given me 65f after running both in and out fans for an hour. The riu faq says 64-68 degrees with total darkness is ideal. So, I'm hoping this will work good.

BTW, I am also a caretaker for my brother now. So my limits in CA have doubles for that purpose alone. I grow for my own personal use, as well as the personal use of my brother, who also has a valid mmj rec in CA. I do not recommend cultivation for ANY other purpose.


Hey...everyone it's good to see everyone helping each other here. This is the community I like to be in. I'm going to be posting some pics of my entertainment center that i have converted to an almost complete stealth grow center. It's got a veg, flower, curing area and it sits out in the open of my apartment. how ever being broke it's hard to get supplies. I will be needing some advice on several things.
--air filters
I have been dreaming about this grow setup for the last 10 years, this was my parents entertainment center that I have they are coming into town..just a little nervous about them seeing it and want to know what i'm using it for, all the wiring is almost all hidden. I just need to wait for the wife to come back with our only camera so i can start posting and getting advise.

Just took a look at the pics, nice flower. do you only have cfm bulbs in the flower?
I've been growing for a year and my buds don't look half as good as the pics that I'm seeing I must be doing something wrong please help.
I'm using 3- 4" Massey fans a donated squirl cage fan that i had taken apart to use for some semi in line air movement. I've got two hygrometers one for the flower and one for my veg. however if I add any more lights to this it's just gonna be way too hot I've got 2 cfm bulbs hanging in the veg area and 3 for the flower area. using m.grow primarily.