First time grow Seeking some answers.


Hey guys, So im growing 2 plants and this is my first grow so far everything is going really great. Im about 1.5 weeks in and my plants look awesome and health. But now im getting ready to really start introducing nutes but idk what to use. I have done so much reading and research but its very hard to find specifics for soil growing. Most feedback and nutes are or seem to be more geared towards growing hydro. So im growing in soil and i need some help. any soil growers out there have any advise? i did notice fox farm had the same 3 main nutes for soil use.



Well-Known Member
Use the hydro nutes in the soil for flowering(the directions on bottle and use every watering). Make sure the nutes have some N.


Well-Known Member
microbacteria are essential I use Bush Dr. Microbebrew. There are others out there that will work just as well. People often forget to add this to the mix. It helps keep the medium healthy and encourages proper nute uptake. I also use Cal Mag Plus and Tiger Bloom. For reference I'm growing autos.

dp sux

New Member
You said thier in soil and there 1.5 weeks from pop(seedlings)??

If thats the case and the soil isnt all used up from some previouse
dont even water it much yet and you shouldnt need anything bigger
then 16 oz Solo cup.(actually even if that soil has no nutes leave it alone light ph 7 water only)......

maybe in a week or so transplant into nuted soil still just water for week(ph 7)

a 2 gal pot should be good for 2 weeks til nutes subside 9then start 450 ppm work up 50 ppm
every 3 days till top around 1000ppm 5th week bloom

Drop ppms down slowly 6th 7th flush with clearex or equal 8th -- 10th week (done) hang it trim smoke it..................................................

Verry important unless your rocking at least 400 MH watt you shouldnt need to water a 2 gal pot more then every 3- 4 days
Believe it or not if you dont deviate from what I just said youll have bud to smoke(unless your runin verry low watt)in which case I would say,,, dont know what to tell you accept DONT BOTHER IT WILL BE MORE TROUBLE THEN END RESULT IS WORTH!!!

Anything under 250 watts IMHO is a waist of time UNLESS you have verry low standards and expectations when it comes to bud
and thers nothin wrong with being a occasional smoker(wish I was).................................

And your lemon Haze should go from 12 in to 4 ft from start of 12/12. If you plant grows well that should be no longer then 2 weeks from now also once at 800 ppm I would chill for a min untill begin of 2nd week 12/12 then start your bump back up to 1000 ppm dont deviate gen rule I follow is 100 ppm for every week of life that always has me around 600 ppm start of 12/12.
And I happen to know for fact your strain is light feeder also low yielder but supposed to be AAA bud (I never personaly but seen trusted grows and reviews (not for nuthin you should have already done all that searchin shit ya know??) just try to give you. the harsh facts so you get on point fast no harm meant .Also why perlite coco 50/50 mix 3 part gh nutes a ppm mter and ph drop kit is YOUR best bet IMHO!!


they are in solo cups right now about 3 inches tall and the first 2 main leaves have grown and the next set are now visible. Everyone keeps saying i need to transplant them into a 5 gallon bucket after a few weeks. Should i transplant again when they are larger? and if i dont will this affect my end yield?

Also im growing lemon haze and yes they are 1.5 weeks from pop.

one man

Get some pure Sheep Manure - Home Depot. The soil is usually sterilized so no pests or mold problems. Sheep manure is High in Nitrogen. This will give you a base that has the plants grow fast. For nutes - www. your nutes should be used for the various stages 20-20-20 is a good all round balance fast grow vigourous leaves bushy flowers. On their web site you can get a good education in regards to the three elements and for what cycle they are best for. Dirt farming is easier and less of a headache - go organic and keep food scaps like egg shells, fish bones etc. The main thing is to have a gravel or rock base for good soil drainage as mold can be a problem, it will also deliver oxygen to the roots as the soil is not clay based that makes it dense.

dp sux

New Member
JUST STAY AWAY FROM MIRICALE GROW SOIL its not the best time of year to get soil in home depot (mostly mirc grow) go to hydro store get some good soil
or get coco and start feedin next week start 250 ppm .........5 gal pale???? you growin a 12 foot tree in your house????

or you expectin 3 ft like normal person???? (which case 2 gal fine) I grow 3 ft in (10 inch wide 8 inch tall prolly 1.5 gal pot)

also go buy a book or learn to research more then askin questions(IMHO youl become more knowledgeable alot quiker)

plus your questions are answered in first 10 pages of any good book Ive read (Jore Cerventes med bible get it).......


Well-Known Member
You said thier in soil and there 1.5 weeks from pop(seedlings)??

If thats the case and the soil isnt all used up from some previouse
dont even water it much yet and you shouldnt need anything bigger
then 16 oz Solo cup.(actually even if that soil has no nutes leave it alone light ph 7 water only)......

maybe in a week or so transplant into nuted soil still just water for week(ph 7)

a 2 gal pot should be good for 2 weeks til nutes subside 9then start 450 ppm work up 50 ppm
every 3 days till top around 1000ppm 5th week bloom

Drop ppms down slowly 6th 7th flush with clearex or equal 8th -- 10th week (done) hang it trim smoke it..................................................

Verry important unless your rocking at least 400 MH watt you shouldnt need to water a 2 gal pot more then every 3- 4 days
Believe it or not if you dont deviate from what I just said youll have bud to smoke(unless your runin verry low watt)in which case I would say,,, dont know what to tell you accept DONT BOTHER IT WILL BE MORE TROUBLE THEN END RESULT IS WORTH!!!

Anything under 250 watts IMHO is a waist of time UNLESS you have verry low standards and expectations when it comes to bud
and thers nothin wrong with being a occasional smoker(wish I was).................................

And your lemon Haze should go from 12 in to 4 ft from start of 12/12. If you plant grows well that should be no longer then 2 weeks from now also once at 800 ppm I would chill for a min untill begin of 2nd week 12/12 then start your bump back up to 1000 ppm dont deviate gen rule I follow is 100 ppm for every week of life that always has me around 600 ppm start of 12/12.
And I happen to know for fact your strain is light feeder also low yielder but supposed to be AAA bud (I never personaly but seen trusted grows and reviews (not for nuthin you should have already done all that searchin shit ya know??) just try to give you. the harsh facts so you get on point fast no harm meant ..
Miracle grow does suck big time, I use FF Ocean Forest its worked well for me. Concerning the "anything under 250w argument" - I use approx 150w of light per plant (led) and have had fantastic results. It just depends on what kind of lighting you choose. I used to rock 105w cfls (actual wattage not equiv) and used one of these per autoflowering plant. It worked well, but am pulling on average well over an oz off each plant using an avg of 150w of 3w chipset led per plant.

dp sux

New Member
Ive personaly never seen anything exept a true 200 watt giant CFL make any what I would call a mature resin gland.,,,
(and that was like 4 inches away and it burned tops and gave off same heat overall IMHO with less lumens) It just dont make sense to me because to use 50 more watts you get 2 times the lumens hence twice the amount of better qual bud,,Does that make sense to you???

I use a 125 giant blue for first 2 weeks seedlings only cause I want slow growth an more roots
but after 2 weeks they get much more light.


Well-Known Member
DSC00906.jpgDSC00898.jpgDSC00855.jpgDSC00769.jpgDSC00768.jpgDSC00767.jpgDSC00765.jpg Fair enough. All of these were done with an avg of 150w led output (not total chipset capacity) per plant using 2011 3w diode models. Lumens are not the end all be all of measuring a grow light's efficacy. I use 4 panels each produce roughly 9,000 lumens at an avg of 150w. PAR is a better way to measure.

Edit - for reference these are all auto flower grows.


Well-Known Member
I've grown with everything except plasma induction. I really dig 3w chipset led lights. They penetrate the canopy well, use less electricity and do work well for flower. They are pretty fing expensive though. Replaced two 400w air cooled hps plus 300w cfl with 600w of led. Happy with the switch.

dp sux

New Member
From what I know the highest lumen output watt per lumen is 200 watt CFL and that around 10,000 par lumens.
You say par not lumens ?? PAR has to do with lumens measured at 12 inches if Im not mistaken??(dnt make me look).

And Par lumens have direct realation to prime bud(dont tell me your another one who dont own a book)???

Im just teasen ya dnt get crazy...But I wouldnt lie to you bro jus tryin to show you the (LIGHT)like a preacher (no pun intended)!!!!

If you have any asperations toward this at all go buy a 400 HPS use 30% of your CFL to veg (with out lookin and adden you will be using what notha 150 watts total) for that what $8 a month youl get at least twice what you get now of garanteed better bud again I wouldnt lie to you.

Since I remembered I will exp if you put a light meter 12 in from a 600 watt you should recieve read between 90,000-100,000
PAR Lumens but at 2 feet its like 30,000 at best 3 feet maybe 10,000 tops you always want at least 10,000 at tops of plants.

then thers the square ft print that translates to about 12 x 12 per 100 watts for max yeild!! (3x3 or 9 square ft surfice with 600 super hps)(but 3 600HPS yeild more over 2 3x3 trays = 100 watts per 1 square ft (again wouldnt lie to you)

So lets say your cost per lumens is much more cost effective and efficient with a HPS ............Uless your bound by a 2x2 cabinet with 3 feet of high top and have no way of getin around it then your makin do what what you can.(but if thats not the case you should think bout it at least............

dp sux

New Member
Not to beat a dead horse but you said 1 zip per 150 watts (thats insanley low) if I read correct thats a gram per 5 watts.

With HPS 1.2 grams per watt is EZ once you know perticular strain(dude thats 4 times the difference)!!

And you said you have a HPS and spent all that doe on a LED(Bro put that up on Ebay and move on).

I have no clue how your own observations show you different??

How many watts per gram did you get with 400 HPS and the CFL ??

And your buds look verry nice its just that those are your tops Im sure and with HPS your lower buds SHOULD look like that...

And whats plasma induction can I get a link or something please I want to learn??

You sure your not just fuckin with me??? Its sounding that crazy.........................


Well-Known Member
However you work the math leds work out very well for me. It takes me 60-70 days to grow a qp from four plants that's all I really care about. The quality is there just like it was with HPS and that was about all I was yielding using hps. I'm a 4 plant auto flower gardener. I don't know of GPW necessarily translates to auto grows. The way I see it I'm getting more than a free gram of pot every day with way less electricity than before and I won't have to change a bulb for the next three years either, they're under warranty.

I'm not sure if leds are a good idea for a larger garden as I've never worked with one. For the home hobbyist who doesn't want to add ducting, and high speed fans to remove HID heat I would rec using them. In terms of measuring lumens, par, dick inches, ect consider that leds are tuned to fit a plants spectral needs far better than very expensive hps bulbs.

dp sux

New Member
Buddy if your that Happy then Im gonna be Happy for you Im not trying to ruin your day.

Just remember 600 watts total electricity being used(you are using 150 x 4 correct) should yield you a LB or better.(not a QP).

And PLEASE dont grow autos instead(3 weeks from germ go 12/12) with reg strains (how much do you know about Ruderalis).

I think it will work out better for you those things dnt even yield rite could be why so low with yeild.
Those things are gimicky nonsense(Ive seen enough freebies that I wasted time just to gift away)

If for what ever reason you insist on auto still thers a new one called wonder woman DNA I seen it at total 5 weeks
growth lookin pretty impressive(looked like normal flower week 3) Im sure its weak though I would doubt even 9% THC.

Plus these breeders are on this wack as kick cause you cant clone em and always need to buy more beans (and your fallin rite into there
marketing ploys)..Ive seen even DNA try sayin its agood comercial grower choice.

Yeah your gonn give people comercial LB,s of weed made up of all different pheno,s that look and smell and taste different,,
MEXICANS DONT EVEN DO THAT....good comercial plants to grow get the fuck out of here with that I say to DNA(and there my fav breeder the get lots of my money...............................................................And if you tell me your grown those autos on 18 hrs for 70 days(man your wasing 2 times the juice I was orig thinkin(well actually 1.5 times) Dude dont waist electricity like that ..I heard of a dr or scientist that has a THC treatment that kills cancer cells he needs donations(Im not kidden google it) Do somethin noble then and donate all your xtra to him its a worthy cause anyway!!!!!!!(not to mention all the little ghetto girls and boys with no electricity at all) and your just waisten yours (like the starving kids in China I was reminded of when I would throw away food.....)

dp sux

New Member
Let me ask you this then what do you belive your gaining from auto that you wouldnt get with a reg fem strain??

No joke Im curious as to what your thinking is maybe I can learn somthing.


Well-Known Member
For the OP -

Biobizz is a hard grow but great results when you know how, any ferts will do imo.

For the discussion over lights -

I would not like to try LeD's simply for the price and a HpS gives lots better penetration. From my own experience with CFL's (i flower with 2x250watter) i would say that my 500watts of cfls is probably equivelant to a 250watt HpS judging from yeilds and plant growth.

The future is certainly HpS in an aircooled reflector until Plasma lights manage to get more of the red spectrum in there. The problem i have with LeDs is that i know i can grow faster and heavier yeilds under HpS and have never seen a side by side comparison where the same watts LeD out grew an HpS.

You LeD growers have to realise that when Plasma gets just a little better it will not only out grow LeDs many times over but cost less. Personally i would have a 300watt plasma light right now and pay the price, they look really really awsome and those square reflectors they got mean perfect for a square grow. Thses lights have been lighting the important sport venues and certain other places over any light for years. When they get slightly more suited for flowering and not veg no one will grow with LeDs again prefering to spend the same money on pretty much pure sunlight/Plasma instead.

I feel LeD's technology means that when they finally get real good Plasma will be far outclassing it. Led growers can say what they want but any plasma growers will simply wipe the floor with them, against HpS you got a small point, against Plasma and your just that small light in my phone etc etc because you wont get the time of day after they tweak a few things. Sorry to have to let all Led growers down but go on youtube anbd see what 300watts of plasma dose!! LeD what!!!! Peace