Well-Known Member
Just planted my seeds and now i wait.
First time Grow so hope every thing turns out.
Got 5 Skunk Haze seeds
from singlecanadianseeds.com
Built a Grow box out of 3/8 ply wood, size is 36x30x16(i only plan on one or two plants)
lined the inside with white poster board
instalted 2 computer fans(input and output with carbon filter)
Hope to post pictures soon
Germanated them with the paper towel and plate method.
Soil is Miracle Gro Seed Starting (thats all the store had) i dont no if i can use this thru the veg stage any suggestions??
Planning on getting CFL in the next few days. not sure what to get.
what would you recomend?

Got 5 Skunk Haze seeds

Built a Grow box out of 3/8 ply wood, size is 36x30x16(i only plan on one or two plants)
lined the inside with white poster board
instalted 2 computer fans(input and output with carbon filter)
Hope to post pictures soon
Germanated them with the paper towel and plate method.
Soil is Miracle Gro Seed Starting (thats all the store had) i dont no if i can use this thru the veg stage any suggestions??
Planning on getting CFL in the next few days. not sure what to get.
what would you recomend?