First time grow slight white color to leaf

Hey this is my first time growing and my plant's leaves are starting to turn a slight white-yellowish color, it hasn't effected the plant so far but i just wanted to make sure it wasn't anything major.
Im growing in a cabinet under 2(soon to be 4) 14W 800 lumens daylight florescent CFL light bulbs. I also have a fan next to my plant facing away from it. When watering I keep the water out for at least 24 hours before using to lower Ph levels. It doesnt get very hot inside the cabinet, maybe around 80 degrees at the most.


keep it real.

Well-Known Member
Don't do anything big to fix the problem if you have a little bit of Dolomite lime put some on top of the soil and slowly water it in as your plant needs water. Lime does many good things its a natural anti bacterial to help keep your soil healthy for roots it also helps to buffer the ph and it has cal and mag I would try lime first not a lot and don't over water if she doesn't need water don't water! She looks very healthy so far hope this helps you.
sorry for the late reply but thanks for your input, ill try and get my hands on some of that. Shes still looking very healthy and growing fast!