First time grow - small box - 60watts

mini *grower*..

Active Member
was looking round my house for something that i could grow in. after weeks of looking found a box that was previously used for file storage. This isnt a joke i am actually trying to grow in this lol. here are the measurements

hight 30.5cm (12inch)
width 40.5cm (16inch)
depth 15.5cm (6inch)

i dont care what anyone says about these sizes im giving it a go cheers.. no negatives just advice wud be grate.

my lights heres the bit most will laugh at. two 8 watt florcents.. they say that they each give same amount of light as a 30 watt normal lights would. So 60watt total. I would of thought my weed seeds would not grow but they are!

i will try gt some pics up.

+ i got top 44 seeds 10 of them + 5 free
Mazar x Afghan

i germ one 44 seed + 1 Mazar x Afghan seed. Mazar x Afghan germ within 24 hours. top 44 seed takes 4 days i keep it but 1nce finally germs it grows thin stem small leaves. i ended up removing it...
will not replace yet as i wanna learn stuff from this grow so i wont waste any more seeds.

i just hope this is a female.. i plan to take cuttings.

my plant is doing well and is 2.5 inches will put up pic soon.

mini *grower*..

Active Member
today ive started to germ a top 44 seed. i also have learned through this site that i should put my plant 3-1.5 inches or so near the light otherwise plant will stretch, as mine has already but is staying stable and can soport itself as i have benn taking it out of box a keeping a strongfan on it as long as possible. bout 1 our a day

Heres my pics..cheers

also for the seed i germed today ive only put half soil in as i did this before i new of putting it closer to light to stop the stem from growing so tal. the idea was, that when the stem grew tall i could put more soil around it so that it would not topple. was a gd idea at the time.



Active Member
i got some top 44 seeds from Dr. C. I planted 5 of them, 4 of them took. Then 2 of them where male. I made 4 clones, and both of the plants did not have the same characteristics. 2 clones where short and bushy with 1 big cola, the other 2 where taller and lots of shoots. But i ended up with 12 1/2oz dry in a 2x2 flood table and 600w hps in 8 weeks so i was happy. good luck to ya