First time grow, with 400w. What plants are best to start off with?


Active Member
Im starting a grow and have a 400w light coming. Im new to growing and just want a couple of plants that are easy for new growers and something i can start off with. Its going to be in a wardrobe which is quite spacious but i dont want it stinking out the house or anything lol. Any recommendations would be great.


Well-Known Member
I could easily advice you to try out etc. Skunk 1# but I think you should choose your strains according to your like/need`s and adapt your grow environment to it, and about odor, I do hope you have a ventilation for that 400W light or it will be boiling hot in your wardrobe and a carbon filter to stick on it once they begin to flower/stink or your hole house/block/street will stink and its nothing like when you smoke it


Active Member
i was thinking amnesia haze and ak. I havent got everything yet but next step was getting a fan and then everything else like the extractor etc, just stuck on budget and getting each thing when i have the money if you know what i mean rather then buying all at once


Well-Known Member
I say anything cheap! It's your first grow and most newbs don't see their seeds make it out of the germination process. The more you can buy and get in the ground, the less risk you will have of having a bad harvest. Gardening isn't easy. It takes practice and unfortunately it's at the expense of many dead plants. But that's how you learn.

Listen to Slip on heat evacuation. The 400w will create a lot of heat and you will need the room dialed in before throwing the plants in there. You are doing it the right way. Buy when you can, but buy good equipment that will last you several grows.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Great advice from Prosperian and Slipon. The heat will be an issue in an enclosed area, and the smell is nothing like smoking a joint. Fresh MJ growing can be quite pungent and very hard to just cover up. The best method of removing smell is with a carbon filter or ozone genny before it's ever smelled. Ona Gel can help if the filter is not keeping it down. I would also suggest an indica dom strain as to shorten the flowering time, and the possibility of running into problems trying to keep a girl in flower healthy for an extended time. As Slipon said Skunk#1 is a pretty forgiving strain as well as alot of other hybrids that have come along. I would pick the shortest flowering time and maybe even a fast vegger as well. Just some thoughts to maybe make your life easier. Best of luck with your grow man. Peace out.