First Time Grow with a Secret Jardin DR240


Hey guys I'm a new grower here and would greatly appreciate any and all input as I move from phase one (fabrication/setup/cloning) all the way through harvest. I'm going to try and model Al B Fuct's SoG technique as best I can throughout the whole grow.

The Bud: I have been scouring my area for high quality clones (maybe getting some blue dream in shortly) or seeds (I tried ordering seeds online but have had zero success) and finally got my hands on a seed of the best stuff I've encountered in my area. I successfully germinated and had to cloned it which put out about 5 mothers (my first cloning experience was a complete and utter failure, but I still made it through with about 5 viable clones, 1 great one, 2 good ones, and 2 in soil that have been under performing big time (maybe the nutes or soil ph is messed up still trying to figure it out))

Location: A suburban undercover grow in a spare bedroom dimensions 10'x13'x8' with the options of expanding to the second spare bedroom of similar dimensions. When originally planning out this grow I thought I would just use the whole room for flowering while using the closets for cloning and veggin the mothers. However, it quickly became apparent that setting up the room i.e panneling/venting/building support structures ect. would be a little out of my area of expertise. So I decided on an enclosed controllable environment of an indoor grow tent.

1 Secret Jardin DR240 (dimensions roughly 8'x8'x6'7")
2 Large Adjust-a-wing running dual 600w HPS and MH bulbs (1 HPS & 1 MH per wing) with super spreaders to decrease heat off of light
2 Lumatek 600w digital ballast
1 Lumatek Dual 600w digital ballast
1 Air-2 Temp/Humidity Controller
1 dehumidifier
1 6" Active air inline 400cfm fan attached to a 550 CFM Phresh carbon filter (exhaust)
1 intake 6" booster fan @ 125cfm
1 Ozone Jr (for excess smell not captured by the carbon filter)
3 Pedastal Fans for air circulation
1 EZ Clone 60
2 4' Dual 40w CFL (for clones)
*1 600w HPS with digital ballast (ordering this for veggin 5-8 mothers)

I was originally planning on growing with soil (to save on the electricity and more setup cost) but after reading all the forums and advice I have decided to go with a hydro Flood/Drain setup. I encountered a little damping off problem and ended up having to cut one of my original mothers down into clones. So I have around 10-20 viable clones going in the ez clone (started 2 days ago takes anywhere from 7-10 days for completion) with another two mother plants still vegging under 1 600w HPS and 1 400w MH(its amazing the difference when growing under both lights plants are responding fantastically). Going to spend the next 5 days or so constructing the flood/drain systems and would love any input and/or advice. I think I'm going to try and shoot for (4) 3'x3' independent systems and reservoirs holding around 15-20 plants each. That way I can adjust the nutes appropriately for the plants going through the varying stages of flowering. I'll post pictures up this evening of the setup so far as well as some of the clones and mothers.


Well-Known Member
Looking forward to some pics :D I wish I had the space for a DR240, I'm currently running a DR120W

I'm tagging along for the ride...


Thanks man my camera is currently off the reservation so I'm having to track it down, but will definitely have pics of them up by tonight as well as I'll post a few pics of the strain at harvest as I have a few choice nugs laying around.


Hey sorry for the lack of updates, but I have been very busy trying to get all the materials and getting the tent setup was NOT an easy one man job. Here are some pictures of a couple mothers under a dual 600w hps/ 400w MH (going to be moving that Adjust a wing into the tent soon). The EZ clone with about 25 good clones (great root development, can't recommend the EZ clone high enough, just followed the directions step by step and best clones I've done by far), tent layout, room, Carbon filter and fans, and as well as my flood/drain table. I'm running an ECO 264 pump on a 45 gallon reservoir (only using about 35 gallons). Still have some tweaking to do with the table (ordered a support GH 4x4 snaptray and screen the pump/drain nozzle) I'm going to have 20-25 plants per tray using grow chunks and 8" drain containers. I went ahead and threw a couple finished product buds on here of my strain, hopefully it turns out good.
More Pictures ahead of ventilation/lighting setup (going to be drilling an exhaust hole and venting the air into the attic through the carbon filter, should keep the room cool for the intake air)
Hope you all enjoy and thanks for taking a look at a newb's setup

P.S. Was thinking about using the recipe for success kit, does anyone have any feedback on the nutes? Or any suggestions would be greatly appreciated



Well-Known Member
Really nice set up! As far as nutrients go, I may have a biased opinion considering I only use fox farm nutes but the result I get from using all 6 (3 liquid, 3 soluable) is out of this world. I dont think ill ever try anything else. subbed