
New Member
Hello guys,

Im growing indoors for the first ime, I have a small 180cm x 90cm x 90 cm, LED Solux Pro titan 4, 1 osc fan, with in passive intake n xtraction also.
I have 2 small plants growing inside 2.5L pots.
Growing 1 Auto Nothern Lights and 1 Auto Fat Banana..
Leafs are yellow due to lack of nutes bec during week 5 i gave them only water as they were mid flower with burned tips i thought maybe let them rest with the nutes ( bio bizz organic liquid Grow - Bloow - Topmax ).
Always read on forums that better to give less than too much of nutes, and when seeing burned tips I gave them a break ( which I think i did wrong? )
So yeah guys, the leafs now are yellow bec of that.. my question is.. when do u think they are ready?

-Nothern Lights is much smaller than fat on the buds, thought, they have more brown hairs than the fat ( is she more mature? ) buds look small but frosty with
brown / orange pistils. (sproouted 24 March ) Should i chop this one already since it looks brownish?

-Fat Banana has bigger buds n more swollen, tought, they have very few brown hairs.. much more white still.. ( sprouted 19 March , 1 week older than the NL )

When are they ready? what u think?

Thanks for ur time guys! I appreciate any advise



Well-Known Member
Its difficult to say, at first glance I thought they were maybe half way though, but they maybe further along and just airy because the lights not enough for the space you have.


New Member
but im wondering still something... let ssay one bud has like 80% borwn hairs, but then overall buds r only 50% with brown hairs.. should i wait longer to chop them or should i chop anyhow? ty