first time grow!

Its alive and green. Too early to tell much about it.
Learn the weight difference between moist and dry for your cup.
Hell yeah, long as she looks good. That’s what I was hoping to hear. And I’m trying to, been keeping an identical cup with identical amount of soil in there and add water when I watered my seedling last time. Going to try and use that as reference. Thanks again for your input man, super stoked to get this rollin


Well-Known Member
Just looking for opinions on how my baby is doin, been wanting to grow my own for years now but wasn’t able to until now. She’s right at a week from coming out of soil. Thanks in advance everyone
She looks good. Congrats on your first legal grow. It is exciting shit! Assuming she is in some decent potting soil such as FFOF, you will want to leave the nutes alone for a while and just feed her water (potting soil contains nutes that the plant will uptake to get it through at least a month), then supplementing your water with nutes becomes necessary after so long. Just listen to your plants needs. You may already know this, but thought I would add it as a tip. Also, that light looks like an electrical fire hazard. Props for the ambition, but I would consider a t5 grow light for vegging as they aren't too expensive, are great at vegging, and dont require ventilation and stuff, and it wont burn your house down . Hopefully you picked up something of value within my rambling lol. Best of luck!
Thanks for the tips and suggestions guys. Just a little update, plants doing good, leaves are starting to concern me, not quite sure what you call what they’re doing. Any suggestions ? Looks like they’re starting to fold inward or something?



Well-Known Member
That tends to be an indicator of too dry, too hot or too much light. I'd say light and dry. Best wishes.
Thanks for the advice everyone. Been going good, transplanted last Saturday and haven’t waterbed until this mornin, as soil has been damp up until this morning. She looked like the leaves were cupping this morning so I watered and I moved my light up maybe 3 inches. Came back just now and the leaves look even worse than earlier. Any advice? Think I should move light up more? Or drop it down? Much love


Well-Known Member
Yeah I’m not sure why I thought that would be a good idea. Installed two fans and am going to transplant to separate pots
I'd transplant ASAP and be careful seperating them, there's a decent chance the roots are already entangled. Go easy on em after the transplant because they'll be a bit stressed, especially if you damage any roots, which you likely will to some extent.
Decided to transplant to smaller pots yesterday morning... seem to be doing ok. The cupping on the leaves has almost gone away yet the tips of some of the leaves are dark, almost look burnt? Think it’s from when I had the light too low? Still have not added any nutes, using fox farms happy frog. Was going to start some LST on the biggest one but figured I should wait another week or so



Well-Known Member
How close are your lights to the leaves? I would also measure the temperature at the leaves (IR thermometers are great for measuring the temp of the leaves, too). What size pots are you using, and what type of soil are they in? How often are you watering and how much are you putting into each pot? Also, what are you feeding them and how often/how much?


Well-Known Member
BTW, the reason I'm asking all those questions is because your plant looks like it is suffering from more than one issue. It looks like it's being cooked by your light but the texture of the leaves also looks similar to one of the signs of over watering.