First Time Grow!


Well-Known Member
Ya you need a ambient temp of around 70-75 in the bedroom before you can really get your temps right.. normally with GREAT ventilation you will have about a 3-8 degree increase in temp from the room temp...during lights on .. So unless you can bring the whole room temp down.. its gonna be hard.

What is your cycle right now ...Maybe you can run your flower from 9pm to 9 am or something similar to fight the daytime heat.. does it cool down much in the evening where you live?


Active Member
I'm probably going to turn off the lights at that time. But the problem is that I'm not going to be home in the morning, so the door to the closet will always remain closed.

I'm going to raise the exhaust in a few hours and see how that effects the room and then figure something out from there.


Well-Known Member
Either way .. you can still grow decent dank as long as you stay under 90 degrees.. its not optimal.. might cause a little less density but it can still be DANK.. I have seen friends grow in 85-95 range for an entire grow.. and it just took a little longer and was a little airy.. but it was still killer smoke.. and better then most stuff you can buy commercially .. and once winter comes.. it will be a ton easier to keep temps down. Just keep the air moving in there so they are not hot and sitting in it.. a nice breeze and sub 90 degree temps and you should be good.. not perfect.. but good.. it will be good practice either way so you can have more experience going into your winter grow :) Good luck! If you need any help let me know


Active Member
So I moved the exhaust to the top of the closet. The inline fan is sitting on a shelf outside the closet with a 4" duct running through the closet, pointing upward. There are two passive intakes now on the bottom. I've also played around with my AC and gotten the ambient air of the bedroom to be a few degrees cooler. So, after all that, the temp is sitting around 85-87.

I'm now super stressed since I've put in a ton of money and time to this project and really don't know where I can go from here. I have so many damn fans in there, I just don't understand why I cant get that temp down.


Active Member
Here are pics of the outside of the closet. There are two intakes on the bottom. I realized that the intake without the duct was pulling in all that exhaust. So I've sealed that one up. Since then, the temp has dropped to 83...better, but still not great.


Active Member
Yep that was what I was thinking, probably as good as I'll get it at this point.

So, I'm using General Hydroponics nutes and have not begun the transition with the nutes to flower - should I start doing this over the next couple weeks before I change up my lighting?


Well-Known Member
I start transition nutes right when I flip.. it takes a week or 2 till they start to bud anyhow.. for the first couple weeks they will just have a big vegative grow spurt...


Active Member
So I was out of town for a few days in lovely LA and Lake Tahoe, had a great time. I would have changed to flowering earlier, but I wanted to be here just in case something happened...exhaust fan breaks, light leak, etc.

So I changed the bulbs yesterday (I left 1 6500k bulb in the mix) and switched to 12-12. The temps with the lights on are around 82-3. When they were off, the temp went down to 76.

They got a little charred when I left, since they grew up to the lights.



Active Member
So it's been a week since the last round of photos. I feel like I need to get a better camera than my i-phone.
They have been doing real well the last few days and I think are beginning to show their sex. Well two of them at least.

The big tall lanky one that everyone thought was a male or hermie, I think is a girl! As is the big branchy one. The third one, I'm not even sure where to check. It has such dense foilage and stubby branches which makes it difficult to find a node.

One of the close-ups is on a node that I think are the pistils.

I've read a bunch and looked at photos and diagrams that show the gender of plants, but it is not as easy as I thought.



Active Member
So they started showing their sex yesterday.
My favorite plant, the one with very dense leaves, is a boy. The other two are girls and are beginning to grow things that I can imagine turning into pot, which is exciting.
I'm surprised that the real big lanky plant is a girl- most people figured since it was so big that it was male, but sure enough it's not. So those two are looking pretty good. And it's a bit easier to manage in there just having two. It'll be easier to make sure they have enough light now.
But I wish that one wasn't a boy!!


Active Member
Thanks. Considering all the struggles I've had, I'm pretty surprised they're doing so well right now.
I'm using 4 2-foot T4 red spectrum bulbs and 6 2700k cfl and 1 6500k cfl.

They've really taken off in the last couple weeks since flowering. I didn't take pictures today, but they are noticeably bigger and the buds are forming a bit more.
I finally got the temp to stabilize at 80. I added in some molasses last watering which I think they liked.


just popped in to see how you're doing and its looking good - really nice healthy looking plants, you must be chuffed, keep it up mate


Active Member
so far so good, im surprised you made it this far all the bad advice you were getting in the beginning of this thread, and the way those plants looked in those cups. overwatered and over fert. lookin forward to seeing how they look now.


Active Member
Seriously. I was assuming the way the seedlings looked that they'd be long gone by now. They're a lot more resilient than I ever hopefully that translates to some dank herb popping up soon.

So what should I do with this male plant? He's just sitting on my kitchen counter now since I don't want him near the two girls. Is he total garbage?


Well-Known Member
i would kill it .. I dont think you need to incorporate breeding into your growing at this time .. No disrespect or anything .. but its hard enough just getting through your first grow :)


Active Member
Yeah, I agree. If I get smokable pot that's a success.
I just can't pull the trigger on getting rid of him. Maybe I'll keep it as a house plant for a while. :)