First time grow


Here it is... my first shot at this has become an obsession. I started with 6 seeds and have since planted several more. I am using a 400w HID along with a 600w HID. The temp in the closet hovers around 80 f during the peak heat (in the desert). I use nothing but organic soil, no nutrients whatsoever. I think my babies look pretty good for a newbie (knock on wood) I have a few plants brought from a friend who was killing them, they seem to be grow fairly well, although they still arent doing what a healthy plant should do.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated! More 1802.jpg1756.jpg1760.jpgpics coming very soon


Thank you! Any other feedback will be very helpful. I plan to keep these in the 2 1/2 gal pots for the duration of the grow, my space is limited and I want to make the best of what i have


I'd like to hear some opinions about what nutrients to use and when to introduce them. I've considered not using any at all but I'm not sure what to do. My plants are very healthy at this time, very dark leaves with lots of new, healthy growth every day. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.... right?


Active Member
The number one mistake is "Killing Them With Kindness". Feeling that you aren't doing enough for your girls !! If you've fed no nutes at all then you must have some in the soil you chose. When your plants show signs of needing a feeding start slow. Only give then 1/4 to 1/2 of the recommended dose. It's easy to burn them up and go right back to square one.. You can increase it gradually until you see signs of over nuting like tip burn. I've tried lots of different nutes with high price tags. Now I use a 20-10-20 from my local nursery and my plants are looking better than they did with the high priced ones I used from Fox Farm. Looks like you're doing great so far.


I'm using Fox Farms Ocean Forest for all of my plants... thanks for the advice, I'll let them do their thing until the time comes.


For some reason your replies are showing up on my mobile but not here. I apologize for not replying, your help is encouraged and very much appreciated. i attempted to top and clone from one of my bs's yesterday and it seems to have taken very well. I also noticed a seedling sprouting from a small pile of soil in my clone tray so she has been planted as well. I've seen tremendous growth from all angles in this closet... I'm excited to watch these girls (hopefully) through their entire cycle377.jpg378.jpg365.jpg374.jpg373.jpg375.jpg