first time grow

If your first grow, if you haven't yet, you might need to start considering how you are going to tackle supporting the limbs. Once they start budding up Jack Herrer's limbs will sag pretty hard. Also outdoor in Michigan (not sure where you are at) they didn't start flowering until September and never really had time to finish up. Nice looking plants so far though, good luck with the rest of the season!
If your first grow, if you haven't yet, you might need to start considering how you are going to tackle supporting the limbs. Once they start budding up Jack Herrer's limbs will sag pretty hard. Also outdoor in Michigan (not sure where you are at) they didn't start flowering until September and never really had time to finish up. Nice looking plants so far though, good luck with the rest of the season!
I'm in mid-Michigan, I have been tying branches to the main stalk with bailing twine on some of them. I guess I will do all lower branches for safety and peace of mind. as for the jack herer, I am expecting a late September early October harvest. my cage is near a wall of trees so that when the sun gets lower in the sky (around August) it should throw them into budding early, I hope that my plan anyway's.
Good luck, hopefully that shade will help them out. The ones I did were out in full sun so you might be onto something. I lost some to frost a few years ago outdoors when they went into November. I look forward to seeing how it goes!
I just did my first treatment of neem oil for protection/insurance against bugs. i hope it works people seem to recommend it over other treatments.