First time grower 2 bubblelicious and 2 jock horror(nirvana)

Hello all! I've decided to start a grow journal just to make sure everything goes well as this is my first time really growing anything besides some flowers in the backyard lol.

I am currently growing 2 bubblelicious and 2 jock horrors both from nirvana seeds and both are autoflowering, all 4 plants are at day 22. I have seen that a lot of people are having troubles getting theirs to autoflower, they must have gotten everything fixed cuz I noticed mine showed sex at day 19 with no change in light duration.

I'm running them under a 400 mh light at the moment, kind of curious when I would need to put the hps light in. Currently running them at 20/4.

All 4 are in 2.5 gallon pots with "homemade" soil I got from the garden center( they say its comparable to miracle gro soil but without the expensive name to go with it), so far no signs of bugs or anything that I've heard are problems with soil.

I've been watering about every 2-3 days so far and about w gallons takes care of all 4 plants, I've also got an airstone in each gallon container to promote oxidation(right word?)

I have exceptionally hard water they the city so I decided to go with general hydroponics hard water trio, things seem to be going good so far. I started out with about 1/2 tsp of each on day 14 and every other watering I use the nutes and have been increasing the dosage each time. I watered with nutes again last night as used 3 tsp grow 2 tsp micro and 1 tsp bloom. I did it right before bed and had to work today so I haven't been able to check and see if they've reacted at all to the increased amounts of nutrients( I should add that I've been doing about 2/3 solution of nutes and 1/3 regular water when I do water with the nutrients, I hope I'm not just flushing all the nutes out that way, but I've been afraid to burn them).

As of last night 1 Jh is at a out 13" and the other at about 11". The bubbles have been growing a little slower and they are at about 11" and 9".

I hope I've included everything. As I get a working camera ill take pics of them, I'm not quite sure if my iPhone will take clear enough pictures or not. I also am not quite sure how to even upload me but I'll play around with the site and figure it out. Hope someone will help me out and make sure I'm doing everything correctly and I'm not doing this journal for no reason!