First Time Grower 3 1/2 weeks W/pics, Let me know what you think!

Hey everybody this is my first grow and everything is going pretty well so far. But of course as a 'noob' I'm bound to make mistakes and already have.

Here is my setup.

I have one 42 watt and four 26 watt 6500K CFLs spread out over 3 plants.
In addition I have two more 42 watt 2700K CFLs on them just to add some more of the spectrum. Everything is in a closet about 3 feet wide and 7 feet tall.

When they were seedlings they had a tough time growing, mostly because I had them under an insufficient light source (100 watt halogen light). Burnt and killed one plant and one of them actually fell over.

I currently have two Trainwreck and one 'mystery' plants. One trainwreck is 10 inches tall while the other (the seedling that fell over labeled trainwreck2 in pics) is 6 1/2 inches and growing rather staggered. My little mystery plant is 7 inches with some real skinny oval shaped leafs and not as many nodes as the others, this is because there was some root damage during transplanting.

For flowering I have four 42 watt 2700K bulbs along with one monster 65 watt 2700K so that my babies will bud up niceeee.

Any feedback and advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance, GRIMEYGROWER


Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Yeah they look stretched out and also don't spray them with water or anything if they are under lights. It isn't good on them to spray them while the lights are on.


Well-Known Member
You want cfl's to be two to three inches from the plants at all times - meaning you have to move them every day to keep them at the right distance. Try to have a bulb for each cola during flowering if you want them turn out well.

Edit - other than light distance causing a little stretching you are doing a great job.


Well-Known Member
Im surprised they didn't all burn up under that halogen light..happy growing
Thanks guys I'll adjust those right now. I do have a fan on them its just outside the closet blowing on them for about 16 to 18 hours a day. do you think this going to be good enough for air circulation and stem growth? Or would I be better off with a smaller fan inside the closet?

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
You just need good air movement when they are small. Keep the air movement on them as much as possible. I have three total fans in my grow room. 3X4X7 grow room. I have one 400 cfm exaust fan, one ocelating fan and one fan to bring in fresh air. If you don't have a constant "wind" on them the stems wont grow strong enough to support the buds later. Also you don't want stagnant air in your room.


Well-Known Member
Shit lookin good, but I suggest that you get Y-splitters to double your lighting ( imo y-splitters are a must for any cfl grow ). Get a quality brand nute for veg n flower if you haven't already, don't get MG!!!. Get a bud harden product like humboldt counties gravity when it comes time mid flowering, CFLs are known to produce airy, fluffy bud.
I've already got like 5 y splitters from my local home depot and a set of nutrients I purchased at an indoor garden store. But the bud hardener, where might I find some of that goodness?


Active Member
Bush those B!tchs out homie otherwise there going to have huge stems and leaf's with tiny buds, be top heavy and collapse when you start to flower.


Active Member
Go to google, type in topping and pruning Marijuana plants, they will show you videos, pictures, and texts on how to do it correctly...its fairly simple.