First time grower, 5 dank bagseeds

George Dubs

Active Member
Hey George...really impressed with your grow. Your plants are looking very healthy and happy. Yeah, I'd put them into their final growing container. Just be careful not to ruin any of the root structure when you go to transplant. You'll do great.
As for nutes..."Super Thrive" comes highly recommended to use when transplanting and regular feeding in combination of FF's "Grow Big." I've been feeding for a lil' over 2 weeks with these nutes and have been seeing some amazing results.
Check out my grow album on my home page and you can peep what I'm growing.
Keep up the good work, looking good brah!
Thanks for the kind words man, i really appreciate the adivce:) Yeah im really worried about the transplant it was easy when i had them in the dixie cups cuz i could just tear that so i wouldn't even really have to mess with the roots i was just left with a rootball for an easy transplant. This time i guess im going to just be as careful as possible, are their any techniques that you can use to make the roots come out easier, for example would how wet the soil is make a difference. Going to go loook up those Nutes right now and see which stores carry it, is it something you can find at a lot of garden stores/wal-mart or is it something you have to special order. Also would you say Bat Guano is a "must" if i want a good harvest, i know it comes highly reccommended. But yeah man I'm definitely going to go have a look at your journal right now, not exactly sure why i haven't noticed yet haha.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words man, i really appreciate the adivce:) Yeah im really worried about the transplant it was easy when i had them in the dixie cups cuz i could just tear that so i wouldn't even really have to mess with the roots i was just left with a rootball for an easy transplant. This time i guess im going to just be as careful as possible, are their any techniques that you can use to make the roots come out easier, for example would how wet the soil is make a difference. Going to go loook up those Nutes right now and see which stores carry it, is it something you can find at a lot of garden stores/wal-mart or is it something you have to special order. Also would you say Bat Guano is a "must" if i want a good harvest, i know it comes highly reccommended. But yeah man I'm definitely going to go have a look at your journal right now, not exactly sure why i haven't noticed yet haha.
check out this link...its a thread that I started when I needed some advice about transplanting. I got a lot of great responsed and discusses everything you asked.
Let me know how you make out.

George Dubs

Active Member
Sup fellas been a little while since i posted. Not much has been happening, because "somebody" is now at the place where im staying i have to keep it real with these plants and only give them full sun shine when that person is either not around or im hanging outside with them. With that being said im happy to say that i've at least got 1 for sure female, and then 2 others that are kind of stunted but still healthy. Im going to transplant the female to it's final home in the next to days as well as get it started on a nute schedule.I will do the same for the other two when im able to determine the sex.

With that being said here are the pics, the first few of the female, and the rest of the hope to be ladies.

Any advice is definitely welcome.


Thanks a lot for that link by the way JonBoy, definitely a lot of useful information in there, twas a good read.



Well-Known Member
Congrats on the female brah! You're lucky...still chompin' at the bit waiting for my NL to show...Looking mighty nice though. Keep up the good work!

George Dubs

Active Member
Sup fellas, hows it goin. Been a little while since i've posted. Things have just been kind of slow cuz of sum shitay weather and problems because a certain someone is staying at my house right now. Just thought i'd post a few pics of my only flowered plant right now, the others are still veggin which is good, this one just did automatically do to the fact that they had to be inside unfortunately for a period of time and i didn't have any cfl's i could stick them under.

That being said, im going to to transplant this lady asap, and get on her on nutes. Been meaning to do it for awhile but just haven't had the chance.

I know she's tiny, but eh whatever it's my first plant and im just excited to start seeing nugs form for the first time person.

