First time grower, 5 weeks in veg, leaves are drooping turing kind of browinsh(pics)


Active Member
Thanks again everyone who is helping out. I backed up the lights and havent watered or given any nutes since the flush. So even if all the leaves except the new growth are drying an curling, the plant can still survive? And if it doesn't survive is their any chance the stems and leaves can be used for hash? I do have another seed germinating though, Im really just trying to get this whole growing thing down before i get my card and start growing store bought seeds


Well-Known Member
Yes the plant can survive even if the leaves before it look horrid. New Growth = New Plant.


Active Member
Thanks Sky, so are you referring to cloning the new growth or letting the growth continue even though almost all the leaves are dried out?


Well-Known Member
Exactly. Any new growth allows you to do what you want with it. I would let it grow out and do both :). Gives you some new plants, and lets you experience how to fix a problem if it arises.


Active Member
Okay thanks, But if i wanted to clone the new growth wouldn't i have to wait until they got bigger because right now its jus two new sets of leaves coming out of the spot where the stems branch out at the bottom of the plant


New Member
Get used to waiting. If the only good growth is comming out of the bottom of the plant, you will want to cut the main stem just above the growing nodes, maybe not right away but soon. That's why i want to see pics.