First time grower..and my plant good?


im worried i strectched it as i had the light its closer..

im not sure what i got..probably kush..not sure specifically.

i planted two weeks ago (wednesday) it sprouted and popped out the soil thursday morning now im worried i stretched it as light was a little far..its a 65w light i got..and right now the lighting is how it is pictured..thanks guys!

MJ 002.jpgMJ 005.jpgMJ 004.jpgMJ 001.jpgMJ 003.jpg

sorry the focus was bad on the camera.



Thanks for the tip i got some cfl lights..and um from the pics is my plant doing good? i was reading forums and learned to watter it less now..i guess i overwatered..


Active Member
plants dont need to much water in first weeks. But yes your plant is stretched. That can be fixed if you get soem 23w or 42w equivenlent cfls at 6500k spectrum for vegging, 2700k for flowering. Put them inches from the plant without burning it. I would also suggest in the next week or so to transplant it into a 1 gallon or more pot so it does not get rootbound. You realy want to have 3000 lumens per square foot for some decent growth and bushiness :) Good Luck And Happy Growing.


Well-Known Member
You should add another inch of soil to the pot, so that the plant won't be so flimsy. That should take care of the stretching that already happened, and it's your job to keep it that way. :wink:


And when you repot, bury it up to the cotyledons, the stem below will sprout roots and help stabilize the plant as it hopefully gets heavy with buds...

Careful not to overwater now, the number one newbie mistake.

Good luck.


im a big noob at this and thanks indogrower for your help..i put a 23w CFL that has 1600 lumens. my budget is little to none...i have no money...and yeah

i listened to the first reply and put that cfl..

now im seeing that the plant gets no heat from that bulb? what are free ways to put up heat for it since its cold where im at..thanks bro!


Active Member
do you have a spot next to a radiator? if so then put it there and if you can keep it contained also put a few open containers of water for humidity, all around the pot. this will prevent the heater from drying the plant too much.


Well-Known Member
^1600 lumens isn't enough to stop stretching, you'll need at least one more bulb. 3000 LSF(lumens per square foot) is generally the accepted minimum for growing nice bushy plants. Also, keep them within 2" from the top of the plant,(closer is better, if heat isn't a problem. I run my fluoros at less than 1") because light loses intensity VERY quickly(see: Inverse Square Law), and all the light in the world won't help, if it's not positioned correctly. Basically, a 23 watt bulb at 1", will outperform a 65 watt bulb at 10", for example.


Well-Known Member
either add more lights for more heat, u can get Y splitters for a couple bucks, that should altleast allow you 2 lights, or just build a little growbox to help keep the heat from the light contained...i would wait for a better root system to grow b4 u repot..