First time grower, experimenting with CFL and Sterilite Box


Well-Known Member
Hey Lady I noticed you removed the aluminum reflectors. Did you do that just for space issues or because the reflectors really didn't help that much. I figure if I take mine off(which look to be around the same size yours are, 10.5"?) I will have enough for for 1 more pair of lights like you do. I could also just buy a pair of y splitters and attach each to another y splitter so I can have 3 lights per reflector. Good idea about the seed starter, I may switch from autos to normal seeds next grow and clones of Pineapple Chunk would be pretty awesome. Seeing as a lot of the stuff you you have you got from wal-mart did you stick with the same soil you've been using for the clones?


Well-Known Member
I removed the reflectors because there wasn't enough room for the y splitters to fit under them...then I thought about it and I think the box is a small enough area that you don't need reflectors, especially if the top is covered in Mylar. The seed starter (jiffy from wal-mart) is what I put my plants into originally after they germinated. They when they got big enough, I transplanted them into the Black Gold soil. I think my clones are dying though, probably over watered the damn mix. They are droopy as hell. Going to post some pics and get opinions before chucking them. I'm also going to get some saran wrap and take a clone of the kush trying the water method (keeping stem in a cup of water) and see how it works out.


Well-Known Member
Hope it turns out for ya! Just took clones of my BLack Sour Bubble (pink pheno), last night.
Need to find my spray bottle now, ha, I'm so unorganized.


Well-Known Member
You could of used extenders and then put the y splitters in and it would of fit. I did feel like the reflectors were kind of taking of more space than needed though. No idea why I haven't bought a seed starter yet, seems so much more organized than the SOLO cup method+zip lock bag. Comes with soil too, so I don't have to purchase a big bag of seed starter/organic soil that I'm going to use 16 oz(8oz per cup) at a time. Is there an advantage for the jiffy pot vs the plastic? I think the jiffy just naturally decomposes right? There's a 72 cell that's plastic and not made by jiffy and is $11 and the 50 cell by jiffy is $12


Well-Known Member
Find your nearest plant nursery. They usually sell those 72 plug trays around $.99-1.50, then the dome is about $3. The tray that goes under is also sold independently, around $1 or so.


Well-Known Member
You could of used extenders and then put the y splitters in and it would of fit. I did feel like the reflectors were kind of taking of more space than needed though. No idea why I haven't bought a seed starter yet, seems so much more organized than the SOLO cup method+zip lock bag. Comes with soil too, so I don't have to purchase a big bag of seed starter/organic soil that I'm going to use 16 oz(8oz per cup) at a time. Is there an advantage for the jiffy pot vs the plastic? I think the jiffy just naturally decomposes right? There's a 72 cell that's plastic and not made by jiffy and is $11 and the 50 cell by jiffy is $12
Yea I'm with you on that, they do take up a lot of space. Even though I bought a seed start kit, I still germinate in the paper towel first. When I planted them straight in the soil, only a couple popped. But almost ever single paper towel one popped. The reason why I like jiffy pots is that they turn dark when they are saturated, so helped me not to over water. I had transplanted from the seed starter into 5 inch jiffy pots, and then to the window box.


Well-Known Member
Find your nearest plant nursery. They usually sell those 72 plug trays around $.99-1.50, then the dome is about $3. The tray that goes under is also sold independently, around $1 or so.
I need to start checking out the nursery...probably would save more money. Always just seems easier to go to wal-mart lol, but I'm sure I'm missing out. Will get to it one of these days!


Well-Known Member
I woke up this morning and two of the clones looked pretty wilted. I had a bad feeling about using soil w/o cloning gel...I know it's possible, but since I'm not as experienced yet I tend to make noob mistakes, like over watering. The Kush clone still looked like it was hanging in here, so I decided to try a different method I was originally interested using cups filled with water. Made sure they were opaque so light won't irritate the roots, used warm / room temp water, cut the clones at a 45 degree angle with a razor blade sterilized with alcohol, split the stem 1cm and scraped the sides of it, put through a hole in the middle of saran wrap draped over the cup, and then lightly misted the leaves with rain water. I believe I should be expecting results within 2 weeks. Hopefully this works out!

Left: Kush Clone II (taken this morning), Middle: Skunk Clone I (taken this morning), Right: Kush Clone I (5 days after cut, originally in soil)



Well-Known Member
My nearest nursery is like 10-15 miles away in the next city lol. They did have FFOF for $15 while amazon has the same size for like $35. It just happens to be in the middle of no where lol. Wal-mart is within walking distance. Did you cut at a 45 degree angle? Also make sure to not water the container again. I make cuttings of my mint plants and all I did is just spray the leaves once a day. They're gonna look sad for a few days, but don't give up. They need to stay moist 24/7. I would take a guess and say mint roots easier than cannabis and my mint took about a week of me just misting them before they grew strong enough roots to supply themselves with water. Again I'm only going off what I've done with my mint, but plants are plants.

The leaves need to be kept in a container that keeps the humidity very high. Since the plant doesn't have any roots the only way they can get water is through the leaves. Keeping the soil moist helps, but you want the entire container in the dome.


Well-Known Member
My nearest nursery is like 10-15 miles away in the next city lol. They did have FFOF for $15 while amazon has the same size for like $35. It just happens to be in the middle of no where lol. Wal-mart is within walking distance. Did you cut at a 45 degree angle? Also make sure to not water the container again. I make cuttings of my mint plants and all I did is just spray the leaves once a day. They're gonna look sad for a few days, but don't give up. They need to stay moist 24/7. I would take a guess and say mint roots easier than cannabis and my mint took about a week of me just misting them before they grew strong enough roots to supply themselves with water. Again I'm only going off what I've done with my mint, but plants are plants.

The leaves need to be kept in a container that keeps the humidity very high. Since the plant doesn't have any roots the only way they can get water is through the leaves. Keeping the soil moist helps, but you want the entire container in the dome.
Yea I just went the water route lol, I suck with the soil. Those cups are filled to the top with water. There are a few threads on successfully growing roots from clones using this method, just seems a lot easier to manage.


Well-Known Member
That is the old school way anyway, plenty of people put cut flowers in vases filled with water and they do just fine. You'll probably do much better that way anyway.


Well-Known Member
Hey LadyJ - Great grow! If you can get a cheap aquarium bubbler to bubble the water in your clone cups it will add oxygen and nitrogen from the air into your water. Got mine at the pet store but I am sure they will have them at Wallmart. The hardest thing about clones is the waiting. Just when you are sure they are going to die the roots start to appear and the new growth starts. Just keep having fun with it and get to work on your closet!


Subbed :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice :) I'll give them time and be patient. The air pump idea is good....when I get some funds, will def have to try that out. I remember seeing them relatively cheap at walmart before. Thanks for the love :hug:


Well-Known Member
Here is a video update on the plants, almost 30 days from seed :)



Well-Known Member
get rooting hormone. Its cheap and with in days it has roots.
Don't have any money to spend on it, no matter how cheap it is! Broke as a joke.

EDIT: Am already over what I initially planned on spending...will get some eventually.