FIRST TIME GROWER: Growing from seed in my closet!

Temps between 75-83 usually. Do you think removing two of the plants and giving the two I keep more space would help with this? Because I'm giving two away today and putting my focus into just two of them.

I have access to more clip ons if I need as well. I'll look into edema. Thanks.

Don’t stress about it

Just get some more air exchange and a couple more clip ons
Week 8

In week 8, I think I found the remedy for my droopy leaves - Cal-Mag. I introduced this into my feeding schedule, and within 2 days my leaves had perked up like never before.

Days 50-52

The specific nutrient I used was Fox Farm Gringo Rasta Cal-Mag. I mixed in 3mg of it with my base nutrients, and my plants loved it!

So, I'll be using it at least once or twice a week going forward. Compared to last week, look how much happier the Eleven Roses (back left) looks.


The foliage still looks a bit curled up in some areas, and quite a bit lighter in color. I am wondering if there is some degree of heat or light stress, as the Eleven Roses is now only 12-18" from the light.

It shouldn't be a problem at this height, but considering the stretch during flower, I probably need to top this and get it nice and short before flower.

All the cotton candy plants continue to look very healthy, but one is obviously not making the cut for the plants I keep. It is much lankier, with huge stretches of growth between nodes. I don't think it will yield much.

But, the other two Cotton Candy's look great. They are not making it easy for me to decide which one I'm going to keep, or if I'll just keep both.

Days 50-52

I made my selections for which plants get to stay. I chose the bushiest Cotton Candy plant, and took a chance on the Eleven Roses. My plan for finishing out this week is just to top these, and get them ready for flower.

Once thing I noticed this week was how much thirstier the Eleven Roses is than the Cotton Candy plants.

I water/feed them the same amount, yet the Eleven Roses dries up at least a day sooner than the others.
Week 9

This week, I made the switch from veg to flower. I dropped the photoperiod from 18/6 to 12/12, and we are officially 1 week into flower.

Days 57-59

When I flipped to flower, my nutrient feeding schedule changed as well. Fox Farm's feeding schedule is super easy to use. It breaks the feed chart into separate sections based on light - 18 hours (veg nutrients) 12 hours (flower nutrients).

The biggest change is that I added in Tiger Bloom, a supplement designed to increase flowering. It's high in phosphorous but still has some nitrogen, and is also filled with micronutrients.

Days 57-59

As I finished up the second half of this week, i started to realize my plants are likely going to outgrow this tent.

The grow is obviously far from over, but if I could go back in time and change one thing, it would be to train the plants better and start flowering sooner.

I think that with the increase in nutrients along with the stretch from flower, these are going to grow a lot in the coming week or two. I suppose this isn't the worst problem to have, but still something I'll need to do a better job of on my next go around.


I also ordered a small oscillating desk fan, which I will be putting in the opposite corner as the clip on fan. It should be here any day now, so I can increase the air flow around the tent.
Week 10

In week 10, I started to see pretty significant changes in terms of the plants height and budding site appearance.

The stretch is real, as these two ladies are really pushing towards the grow light. I have no doubt I definitely grew these too big, at least the Eleven Roses.

On a more positive note, however, I am seeing long white pistils start to form on the bud sites, and the plants have definitely started to become more pungent.

Days 70-72


I am defoliating bottom leaves every time I feed, picking away a few large fan leaves that are towards the bottom of the plant and no longer getting light.

You can see that within 1 week of starting flower, the changes are already noticeable.

White pistils are poking out of the growth sites, and the sites themselves look much bulkier than before.

With this, however, comes some serious stretching, as the Eleven Roses plant is now only 8-10" from the LED, which is up as high as it can go.

Days 70-72

On the second half of this week, the stretching only continued, as did the pistil development.

Each growth site now resembles a small little patch of hair, which is really cool to see.

The leaves are also becoming way more rigid, almost looking like they're stretching up towards the light as well. This is nice to see considering how droopy the plants looked at certain points throughout their lives.


Above, you can see the bud development on the Cotton Candy plant. I think this one is progressing faster than the Eleven Roses, which you can see below.


The stalks of the plants are also looking much sturdier over the past week or so.

And, despite the carbon filter running, the room is starting to smell a bit more. To this point, I've been venting into the closet itself the first 6 hours the fan is on, and venting out the window for the other 6 hours.

The fan is only running 12 hours a day, as I have it on the same setting as my light.
Week 10

In week 10, I started to see pretty significant changes in terms of the plants height and budding site appearance.

The stretch is real, as these two ladies are really pushing towards the grow light. I have no doubt I definitely grew these too big, at least the Eleven Roses.

On a more positive note, however, I am seeing long white pistils start to form on the bud sites, and the plants have definitely started to become more pungent.

Days 70-72


I am defoliating bottom leaves every time I feed, picking away a few large fan leaves that are towards the bottom of the plant and no longer getting light.

You can see that within 1 week of starting flower, the changes are already noticeable.

White pistils are poking out of the growth sites, and the sites themselves look much bulkier than before.

With this, however, comes some serious stretching, as the Eleven Roses plant is now only 8-10" from the LED, which is up as high as it can go.

Days 70-72

On the second half of this week, the stretching only continued, as did the pistil development.

Each growth site now resembles a small little patch of hair, which is really cool to see.

The leaves are also becoming way more rigid, almost looking like they're stretching up towards the light as well. This is nice to see considering how droopy the plants looked at certain points throughout their lives.


Above, you can see the bud development on the Cotton Candy plant. I think this one is progressing faster than the Eleven Roses, which you can see below.


The stalks of the plants are also looking much sturdier over the past week or so.

And, despite the carbon filter running, the room is starting to smell a bit more. To this point, I've been venting into the closet itself the first 6 hours the fan is on, and venting out the window for the other 6 hours.

The fan is only running 12 hours a day, as I have it on the same setting as my light.
Looking good but would get fan on constant
I keep all my fans on constant. Why would you want stale air staying in your tent when you got an exhaust fan.
Week 11

From what I have seen in other grows, these plants are progressing super fast and are showing impressive development for only their 3rd week of flower.

The leaves are beginning to have a frosty, sugar appearance on them already, and I can see the buds growing noticeably every day.

Days 77-79

I started this week by plucking a lot of the larger fan leaves off the plants. This was recommended to me by a few different people, and the goal was to improve air flow, increase light to areas besides the top of the canopy, and put the plant's energy towards producing flowers rather than leaves.

I think this worked out really well, as you will see in the bud development in the second half of this week. Here is a closer look at each of the two plants in the first part of the week, though.

Cotton Candy
Eleven Roses
For reference, I've been feeding nutrients two days a week and plain water two days a week, essentially every other day I am giving the plants something.

The feeding schedule I'm following has definitely gotten heavier, and this upcoming week, it will increase in PPM again.

Days 80-83

At the start of this week, the buds still sort of resembles little tufts with short hairs. But, towards the end of the week, they were noticeably more developed, with longer hairs.

I think the substantial increase is due to the defoliation I did earlier in the week.

Going forward, I'll probably do a good defoliation every week, or at the very least, every other week.

Here's a peek at the two plants up close.


You can see that these buds have gotten bigger and more prominent, and they are really starting to look like they are in flower.

You can't really see it, but to the naked eye up close, there is a good amount of sugar on some of the top leaves of the Cotton Candy plant.


I am more excited than ever for the coming weeks, as the bud development I'm seeing is making this feel more and more real to me!
Week 12

In week 12, the sugar leaves became more "sugary", the plants are smelling more, and they are continuing to fatten up.

It looks like most of the vertical growth is done, as they haven't grown much taller, and it appears that now most of the energy is being spent on flowering.

Days 84-86
Eleven Roses
Cotton Candy
Going forward, I'll be sharing less words, more photos, since that's what you guys really want to see. There are some weeks where I just don't have much to say, as everything was pretty much the status quo.

For example, the first few days this week I just fed the plants, and enjoyed their slow, steady progress. No real issues to report, but it is worth noting that I've started running the exhaust fan 24/7.

Here are some close ups of a few of the flowers on each plant.

Eleven Roses
Cotton Candy Days 87-90
Eleven Roses
Eleven Roses
I took the Eleven Roses plant out to get a better shot of the Cotton Candy, as it's sort of being overpowered by how many colas the Eleven Roses has.

Cotton Candy
Cotton Candy
As you can see, this plant definitely has fewer, but they are much bigger. I'm interested to see the difference in yield.
Hard to tell from these pictures but it looks like you have a magnesium deficiency. Might want to take a few larger pictures of those leaves and get a 2nd opinion.


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Week 13

In week 13 I started feeding a bit heavier, particularly on the cal-mag, as I think I've been underfeeding these ladies.

The buds are starting to fatten up, the smell is increasing, some of the leaves are changing colors a bit on the Eleven Roses. One thing I'm a bit concerned about is if this one finishes much sooner than Cotton Candy, which is looking like a real possibility.

I only have one spot to dry these plants, and that is in this tent. So if one is done a few days or even a week before the others, it could be a real issue.

Days 91-94

The first few days of this week I first noticed some purpling on some of the leaves of the Eleven Roses, which did concern me at first. It looked like the early stages of a phosphorus deficiency.


But, after showing someone that had grown this strain recently, he said his plants did the same thing around this stage, so I didn't stress much more.

The Cotton Candy has noticeably fatter colas, but it really looks like it has longer to go than the Eleven Roses will. It still has long, white hairs, while the Eleven Roses has started to shorten up and get darker.


Days 95-97

In the second half of this week, I gave the Eleven Roses a healthy shot of Cal-Mag, around 10mL compared to the 5 I normally feed. A buddy suggested that I had been underfeeding in general, but he said the plant looked particularly hungry for calcium and magnesium.

This week my nutrient schedule completely cut out the Nitrogen I had been feeding, as there are 2 more weeks left on the schedule. Then, I'll start my flush.

Eleven Roses
Cotton Candy
I'm happy with their progress, and just excited for the final few weeks here as these really fatten up.
Week 14

This was a really nerve racking week for me, as I was gone 4 days and let my plants in the care of a buddy who has never grown before.

I taught him how to feed and water, and knew that everything would be fine, but being this close to harvest I was still concerned something would happen.

I'm used to checking on my plants multiple times a day, and this was the first time I went more than a day without seeing them. Here is what happened.

Days 98-101

During the first few days of this week, I fed and watered the plants more than I normally would, so that there would be less work for my plant-sitter to do, and thus less of a chance he could screw something up.


There wasn't too much of a noticeable change over the first few days, but the Eleven Roses buds are looking chunkier and chunkier, while the Cotton Candy continues to lag behind.


As you can see, the Eleven Roses is starting to become more colorful, as some of these little sugar leaves are turning purple. the Cotton Candy is a much greener looking bud.


And, you can see that the Cotton Candy pistils are much longer and whiter, indicating its further behind.

Days 102-104

I got back from my trip on day 104 (the last day of the week), and was super anxious to see my plants. It was all I had been thinking about on my flight home.

I was greeted by a pungent aroma when I opened my door, despite my fan running 24 hours out the window the entire time I was gone.

When I opened the tent, I was blown away by how purple the Eleven Roses had become. The leaves on her were much, much darker than when I left, and the flowers had fattened up a lot!


It does look like the leaves are a bit waxy, and curling downward. I will be monitoring that over the coming few days, as I give the Eleven Roses 1-2 more feedings before I start flushing.

The Cotton Candy colas have gotten INCREDIBLY heavy, as you can see from the sheer size of these already. They still have a good way to go before harvest too, and I am afraid of two of these branches breaking as they are sagging a ton. I am going to prop these up to prevent this from happening.


All in all, I am happy they still look to be flourishing after leaving them in the hands of a complete newbie for 4 days. Just goes to show how truly hardy these plants are!