First time grower having problems.


Well-Known Member
I always use the jiffys their just 2 inch self contained soil in micro fiber that allows u to keep a better eye on them and they can just b put straight into pots when their ready....perfect....


Active Member
Hi guys.

Sorry i haven't had time to post any update recently, have been busy..

But just wanted to show you guys how they look now, 18 days in to the flowering period.

Think they are pretty big myself, but don't think they are getting much bigger than that though, do you guys..? The tallest is 50cm.

One of them shows little sign of some kind of defeciency i think..?

2014-10-09 23.46.29-3.jpg 2014-10-09 23.46.50 HDR.jpg 2014-10-09 23.44.52-3.jpg 2014-10-09 23.45.08-2.jpg 2014-10-09 23.47.10.jpg

A bit hard too see under a 600w HPS.

But think they are mighty pretty myself.

Best Regards


Active Member
Thank you gardengardian.

I am really satisfied with them myself.

And kinda glad that all 13 didn't survive.. Don't think i can squeeze anymore in there without it being totally overcrowded. :D


Well-Known Member
Thank you gardengardian.

I am really satisfied with them myself.

And kinda glad that all 13 didn't survive.. Don't think i can squeeze anymore in there without it being totally overcrowded. :D
Yea its about setting your quota and accomplishing it. You want to manage as cultivator with steadiness and consistency. We tend to be a little more extra at times when we need not. But youre all good. Grow on with peace and discretion.:peace:


Well-Known Member
What's your opinion of the shade u r using the avenger is the one up from the ones I have (enforcers) first time using them but they look promising


Active Member
Yea its about setting your quota and accomplishing it. You want to manage as cultivator with steadiness and consistency. We tend to be a little more extra at times when we need not. But youre all good. Grow on with peace and discretion.:peace:
Yeah excatly.. ;) Think i am right on the spot with 9 ladies in a 4X4 space.. :D

What's your opinion of the shade u r using the avenger is the one up from the ones I have (enforcers) first time using them but they look promising
I also have the enforcer medium version.. First grow, so really don't know what too expect compared too other reflectors.. But i am very satisfied with it, especially after i last day found out that you can tweak the AAW too 'emulate' different seasons, spring, mid-summer, summer, late-summer i think.
At first i had on the widest setting, the first 5 weeks, until i found out that too much light was wasted that way in my tent. So i adjusted the wing too bee more narrower, and i think it really has made a big difference, hard too say really, beacuase they where into the flowering period when i adjusted, and they grow like crazy.. So will first be able too tell you on the next grow.

But really think it could have cut some days off my veg time with the right reflector settings.. ;) :D



Well-Known Member
Yea defo u should go to their websit it's got a few PDF files worth looking at and imo defo one of the best shades out their." the moment...


Active Member
Okay, any pdf's in particular you have in mind..? Cause i have been through em all..

And How are you doing with heat..? How close Can you have your wing..?

I have been having some minor issues with heat that i have dealt with, by placing a pc fan on top of the wing where the bulb is, and furthermore i installed a small axial fan in front of the bulb, just too be on the safe side.. So Can't grow through summer, that's for sure.

So i have ordered a 150mm cool tube where i Will remove the inner reflector and install the cool tube under the AAW. and a fan and temp controller, to control my 800 cbm/h exhaust fan. I Will Then blow the hot air from the tent and tube out into the skunk/under the roof, so it's out of the room where the tent stands. With fresh air being drawn from the room where the tent stands, and with one air hose from outside.

Do you Think that Will work okay that Way...?

If you know what i mean.. :D



Active Member
Cause i Think one May loose a bit of light in the end where the socket is on the AAW...??!

Seems preetty obvious actually, When you look at it and Think over it..?

So i ordered a long cool tube, 600 mm, so i Will use all of the wings reflection in both ends..

Is that totally crazy or what..?



Active Member
That's wot the a-just a wing is all about making the best out it in the space u have (find the sweetspot)........
WORD.. You can adjust that shit just as you like pretty much.. :D

So, i got my cool tube, and got it set up after the scrubber and exhaust, so the exhaust is blowing through the tube, and out of the room out under the roof, so my ambient room temp is much more stable now when i can have the window closed at all times. Very nice. Temps in the tent is at max 26 degrees celcius at the moment lights on, and 19 degrees lowest lights off. :D Right on the spot. Pics coming here off the tube set up under the AAW. And the light is now about 30 cm form the top canopy, compared too 50-60 cm's before the tube installation. Really made them explode.
2014-10-20 20.25.26.jpg 2014-10-20 20.25.32.jpg 2014-10-20 20.26.12.jpg 2014-10-20 20.26.17.jpg 2014-10-20 20.25.12.jpg

And some pics of the ladies who are now 28 days into the flowering period.. Very satisfied first time grower. Hope i can manage them so well to the end. :D :P
2014-10-20 20.18.28.jpg 2014-10-20 20.18.50.jpg 2014-10-20 20.18.50.jpg 2014-10-20 20.23.51.jpg 2014-10-20 20.24.01.jpg



Active Member
And here are two of the Widows i a have fim'ed, can clearly see the diifference who one who isn't fim'ed. Definately not the last time i have done that..! :D :P
2014-10-20 20.24.43.jpg 2014-10-20 20.24.58.jpg

Here is one who is not fim'ed, too compare with..
2014-10-20 20.24.35.jpg

I got this one who is showing some kind of brown/bronze thing on the edges.. Any suggestions what that might be..??! You have too zoom pretty much too see it..
2014-10-20 20.24.30.jpg

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