First time grower here, need a little help...

Ok so I recently moved into a new house and decided i want to try and grow some bud and i am not expecting dank buds but i will atleast try, i have been researching everything i possibly could for the past couple years but haven't been able to do anything due to lack of space (lived in 1 bedroom apt with my brother and dad). I took an old rolling entertainment center cabinet and took some of the shelves out and lined the inside with mylar, i hung the light off of a "
Hydrofarm JSV2 2-Foot Jump Start T5 Grow Light System
" in the bottom section of the cabinet and i have a hydrofarm heat mat on the bottom. I have 3 seedlings growing that i started in a climate dome and i took them out today, all three seedlings have been started 6 days ago, look at some pics to get a better idea of my setup... <-cabinet <-cabinet with everything hooked up (heat mat is on 24/7, light is on 6 hours "off" 18 hours "on" for the veg)<- the 3 seedlings (middle ones strain is shorter)<- 1st plants size (sharpie for size comparison)<- 2nd plants size<- 3rd plants size<- light<- wider view of everything <- i am feeding them with this schedual

Please let me know if you think anything is wrong with this setup, this is day 7 of the plants since they started. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Hi man,

It looks like you're off to a good start. I noticed a few things that you might want to address. That first plant with the sharpie appears to be stretching quite a bit,so does the third plant. This means your light intensity is too low. Also, I don't see any fans to move air around the plants inside the grow cabinet, you will need this to promote strong stem growth and to help prevent mold and mildew later on when you're flowering.

Good luck!
Hi man,

It looks like you're off to a good start. I noticed a few things that you might want to address. That first plant with the sharpie appears to be stretching quite a bit,so does the third plant. This means your light intensity is too low. Also, I don't see any fans to move air around the plants inside the grow cabinet, you will need this to promote strong stem growth and to help prevent mold and mildew later on when you're flowering.

Good luck!
They are stretched because before this setup i had them in a humidity dome and the light couldn't go any lower but i plan on burying part of the stems. I just put a temporary fan in there until i get my computer fans on the sides of the box and a carbon filter. Here's a pic of the setup now... <- Setup with fan


Active Member
That fan ought to do it! Growbox is looking really good. The only thing I can say is good luck and I will be checking back soon to see your progress.
That fan ought to do it! Growbox is looking really good. The only thing I can say is good luck and I will be checking back soon to see your progress.
Thanks! I am pretty excited about this and i'm hoping i can get a decent yeild for my first grow!