First time grower here, need some advice

Water on the leaves is usually fine. Its nutrient rich water where the issues begin to happen if it gets on the leaves.
So what issues could I expect? Or is it simply it kills the leaves it lands on?
I'm looking like crazy at what it could be, apparently lack of nitrogen can make your lower leaves do this as the plant sends it all to the canopy and flowering nutrients contain little or no N,
But I'm always going to heed advice from experienced people, I always expected to encounter problems and make screw ups on first attempt tbh, its a huge learning curve and if they all end up great, then brilliant, but if a few don't well I'm not going to cry over it lol, but I will use it to learn so next time is less of a problem
So what issues could I expect? Or is it simply it kills the leaves it lands on?
I'm looking like crazy at what it could be, apparently lack of nitrogen can make your lower leaves do this as the plant sends it all to the canopy and flowering nutrients contain little or no N,
But I'm always going to heed advice from experienced people, I always expected to encounter problems and make screw ups on first attempt tbh, its a huge learning curve and if they all end up great, then brilliant, but if a few don't well I'm not going to cry over it lol, but I will use it to learn so next time is less of a problem
It basically burns the leave. Will become brittle in the area the nutes didn't get washed off of.
It basically burns the leave. Will become brittle in the area the nutes didn't get washed off of.
OK cool thanks, I appreciate your help,
with the picture of the leaf still attached to the plant, is that likely to be the same thing? Compared to the loose leafs?
I at first thought the plant was cannibalising itself with the way the leaf looked lol
OK cool thanks, I appreciate your help,
with the picture of the leaf still attached to the plant, is that likely to be the same thing? Compared to the loose leafs?
I at first thought the plant was cannibalising itself with the way the leaf looked lol
It could be. I'd pull those off just to see if it begins on others. If it doesn't you know it was due to watering with nutes on them. If new leaves begin to do it you have an issue.
Will do, I pulled a few off befor but that one in question I left on, I will take it off tonight when I have more time to look at them properly, I will be feeding them tomorrow,
Since I lowered the temp to 75 f area, and gave them this other pk bloom instead of the one they have been getting,.I have noticed there not drinking as fast tbh, it will be 3 days tomorrow since I fed last, compared to every 2 days normally
This other bloom is best used with the other bloom it says, I gave it solo to them but at reduced amount, I gave them .75 of a ml to a litre,
Information below

I have been giving them 2ml per litre of the usual bloom, so I more than halved it I guess of what they would normally get and the newer bloom has less values in it compared to the usual one
So I'm thinking I'm over doing it in fans possibly, I have 2 fans on the floor , 2 on middle of tent and 1 up high,
Plus I'm bringing air in through air intake system

Any thoughts on this? Maybe thats what is happening with my leafs
Ok I would say that you might be on to something why so many fans are they small I think you could lose 2 of them and be safe as always thank you for your time and the best of luck
Ok I would say that you might be on to something why so many fans are they small I think you could lose 2 of them and be safe as always thank you for your time and the best of luck
The fans are 20cm , so 8inch on 3 of the fans, 2 are slightly larger
Which ones would you turn off then in yoir opinion? I have 2 on the floor, plus air intake
1 halfway up hitting the centre of the tent including plants, another slightly higher up hitting the top of plants and then one at the top aimed at the lights
Well see what you got going on I'm not sure about the fan doing it are you running them all the time as always wait what are you running on high speed
Do you have any out flow
So leave the one at the top on the lights and one at the bottom on the pots right?
I had such bad humidity problems and temp problems at begining it was the only way to deal with it untill I got it more dialled in,
Wasn't so bad when they were small but now they growing so fast, it has changed the situation I think,
Well see what you got going on I'm not sure about the fan doing it are you running them all the time as always wait what are you running on high speed
Yes the fans have been running 24/7 till now,
When you say your not sure about the fan doing it, do you mean in regards to the leaf issue ? I run on slowest setting on all fans
I turned off the middle white one earlier whilst feeding and as it is pointing downward I think it made my leafs droop downwards too as they soon returned to normal, unless I had just let it go to dry perhaps