First time grower, kinda.


New Member
I've helped on one other grow, 30plants in a modified bedroom, but I had no part in the initial setup of the room, and thats where I'm needing help. I'm a horticulture student, so I know plants, but I don't know grow rooms.

Basically, I'm wanting something much smaller. 4-6 plants tops, and my living situation really only warrants a grow tent setup. Probably a 4x4x6.

Here's where my questions come in..

What brand of tent should I go with? After some research I really like the Gorilla grow tents... Except for the price, if I went that route I'd likely have to go with a 2x4 rather than a my next choice was a Secret Jardin, but heres another catch. I want to grow Sativas and I'm not sure if a secret jardin will give me the necessary height I'm going to want.

So, what do you guys recommend I do, or perhaps you guys know of some other brands. Ive considered making my own but I'm not really confident I could do a good enough job with it.

And another thing. 600w grow light, or 1000w for what I'm looking at?

I'll probably have more questions, but this is the most pressing right now. Any help, tips, or what have you will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
SJ is overpriced for it quality, I have one.

Next time I buy Gorilla.

4x4 could take both 600 or 1000 watts it depends on creating a good ventilation system.

My Idea if you could afford it is 2 600 watt bulbs in two side by side hoods.

Then use both metal halide and high pressure sodium bulbs to get a strong broad spectrum of light.

5x5 would be ideal, but 4x4 can handle the wattage.

The two bulbs also creat redundancy so if one burns out, you still have light till you check your tent.

Which if like me is 5-8 times daily!


Well-Known Member
2x 600w would be better than 1x 1000w IMO..just what I read sometime ago..about Lumens>Watts + like Dogenzengi says be giving a broad/full Spectrum of light.

Gotta think about Heat though!

Check out what type of Mylar Tent uses, some better than others...

I could never decide on Tent? Price/Quality/Brand..Etc Ended up just converting 4'x4'x7' cupboard...would've liked one that fit in this space...

Though looking at the Fan/Carbon Filter I ended up with...would have to be a Marquee not a Tent...Bloody things are Huge! ~ 6"Setup



New Member
2x 600w would be better than 1x 1000w IMO..just what I read sometime ago..about Lumens>Watts + like Dogenzengi says be giving a broad/full Spectrum of light.

Gotta think about Heat though!

Check out what type of Mylar Tent uses, some better than others...

I could never decide on Tent? Price/Quality/Brand..Etc Ended up just converting 4'x4'x7' cupboard...would've liked one that fit in this space...

Though looking at the Fan/Carbon Filter I ended up with...would have to be a Marquee not a Tent...Bloody things are Huge! ~ 6"Setup

Gorilla tents are by far the best quality... but the difference in price is 200+ more than any of worthwhile competitors for the same size, which is kind of a problem, as I'm on a bit of a budget.. not wanting to spend more than 600-800 on initial setup... With upgrades in the future. Though I'm starting to doubt how realistic that price is, and still meet my standards.

Kind of a noob question, I guess, but I also don't know a thing about ventilation. I know I need the carbon scrubber, and some fans, but what are the other big purchases going to be as far as that goes?


Well-Known Member
If you have the skills you can build one yourself heck i didnt have the skils and built one myself cost around 100$ for everything have a ton of mylar left and my box is 5X2.5X6


Hey man, check out hydroponics grow tents (brand name). I grabbed a 4x4 from them and I like it a lot. You will definitely get a better quality tent with gorilla, but you can't beat 120.00 for a 4x4x6.5. And just to throw my opinion out there: although it would be ideal to do two 600 hid lights, remember that you will probably need 2x the exhaust equipment to cover each of the hoods. If you go with the 1000, you will need 1 strong exhaust pulling air out. If you're doing a budget grow it's generally always cheaper to buy 1 more expensive item then 2 less expensive items. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
Hiya homegrown36, will check out them Tents.

Think it was about the amount of Lumens and not just Heat or Electric..

But yeah unless you had em runnning through 1 serial(daisy chained) setup, then would need 2 Exhausts


From what I've read though..on this site you get more Lumens per Buck with the 600w Hps x2 then with a Single 1000w Lamp.