First time grower - may have stuffed up

Hi everyone,

I thought I'd removed every male from my patch, but upon taking a closer look at my outdoor grow (about 4 months old now) on the budding plants I found the following picture.


Are these seeds, and is it all for naught?


Well-Known Member
Looks like a male or hermie plant to me, I hate to be the bearer of bad news :(
Those are pollen sacs eventually they will open and release pollen into the air.
I do believe it was a female. I'll rip them off - but what would happen if they were left? Would I get a decent smoke off them?
There are a lot of seeds on a few of the plants, but some of the others have zero. Should I just rip those plants with seeds out?


Well-Known Member
If you can see more female flowers than male ones you can try to remove them with tweezers or something. If you leave them they will pollenate the buds and they will be full of seeds. From my experience with hermies usually only 1 or 2 branches are effected you might be able to remove the male branches before the pollen spreads.


Well-Known Member
There are a lot of seeds on a few of the plants, but some of the others have zero. Should I just rip those plants with seeds out?
There's nothing wrong with seeded bud it is still smokable, but the quality will be diminished. Once they are seeded there is not much you can do. The trick is to remove the pollen sacs before they open, if the flowers never get pollenated they will fill up with resin instead of developing seeds.


Well-Known Member
I do believe it was a female. I'll rip them off - but what would happen if they were left? Would I get a decent smoke off them?
Sure you can. Whadya think we did in the pre-sinsemilla days, youngster? We expected every lid we bought to have tons of seeds. It's not that hard to clean them out, as long as you have something like a magazine or shoe box lid that can be tilted at an angle. Seeds roll easily downhill but the rest tends to stay closer to the top of the "slope." I only provide that information because I assume that cleaning weed might be a lost art nowadays, not meaning to be pedantic.