First time grower need help please!!!


New Member
So my white widow ended up dying on the 5th week flowering stage I'm pretty sure it got burned from the fertilizer i was using and it had magnesium and calcium deficiency. I'm using a 300 watt cfl light on 12/12 room temp about 68 degrees good air circulation. I cut down all of the dead leaves and the starting of the buds it's pretty much just a stem now it's still very green and smells strong. My question is would I be able to smoke the dead buds? And is it possible to revive the plant?



Well-Known Member
i kinda think your plant is gone for good! sure you can try smoking it. your throat might not like it but maybe it will get you stoned. better luck next time and be careful with those nutes!


I am a first time grower its only One tree White-Rhino just wanna know if those leave its Normal to look like that I started in July of 2013 its already in the Final Stage of Flowering10-13-13 (3).jpg5336 (6).jpg10-07-13 (6).jpg10-03-13 (4).jpg10-13-13 (4).jpg10-13-13 (0).jpg5336 (10).jpg5336 (7).jpg10-10-13 (0).jpg10-03-13 (5).jpg10-13-13 (5).jpg10-13-13 (1).jpg5336 (8).jpg5336 (5).jpg10-07-13 (4).jpg10-13-13 (6).jpg10-13-13 (2).jpg5336 (9).jpg5336 (10).jpg


Well-Known Member
What's your medium, soil of hydro, you have to be careful with nutes, especially the strength, would be worth while getting a tds meter to measure the ppm's, and watch your ph levels, yes you could smoke it might be harsh, but you could get a buzz.


New Member
That's what mine looked liked before it started to die... lay off the fertilizer for a bit it looks like it might be magnesium and calcium deficiency


Well-Known Member
So my white widow ended up dying on the 5th week flowering stage I'm pretty sure it got burned from the fertilizer i was using and it had magnesium and calcium deficiency. I'm using a 300 watt cfl light on 12/12 room temp about 68 degrees good air circulation. I cut down all of the dead leaves and the starting of the buds it's pretty much just a stem now it's still very green and smells strong. My question is would I be able to smoke the dead buds? And is it possible to revive the plant?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
That's a classic Cal Mag issue, but I really wouldn't worry about it at this stage. You'll get what you get at this stage


oh right Will take your Advise right Now.!!!! the Flowering Buttons as you See.!! there getting a really Strong Skunky Smell its smelling strong and I will watch out with the nuts, thank you So much.!!!:weed::joint: Dee tee by the way have a good One.!!


Oh right I will do that will take your Advise up on that just water Noo nuts' its already i the final stages flowering the buds :bigjoint::lol:10-03-13 (3).jpg

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
You'll get some good smoke from her, you'll just never know how MUCH she'd have yielded. I let this one go the distance and what I got was pretty phenomenal.


Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
LOL, yeah I do know. That was a pic from either my first or second grow. A Sat Dom that absolutely craved calmag. It only took me two grows to figure THAT one out!!


Well its starting to Smell Very Skunky & Strong.!! when I put My Nose to the Flowering Button the Smell stay On My Nose for about a Minute lol,:leaf: :bigjoint:10-03-13 (9).jpg10-03-13 (1).jpg10-04-2013 (3).jpg10-07-13 (4).jpg10-07-13 (5).jpg10-08-13 (0).jpg10-13-13 (4).jpg


Well-Known Member
it's best to figure out what you've been feeding, and how much...

you should stick to 75% base (bloom food) and 25% anything else... untill you know what your doing. A good Bloom food will have everything needed for the plants without having any nutrient issues... also check PH, If your ph swings low or high, all kinds of stuff locks out, and you'll be thinking it's one perticular element, when it's really just a low base + wrong Ph issue...

here's a pic of some stuff I did where I just used a little bit too much Base nutes and burned the plants a little... one flush and they were fine...

