First time grower need help please!!!


:weed: I saw your Pics I see Now,!! from Now On Noo more Nut's was Give it Miracle-grow & super-thrive from Now On its gonna be Clean Water I don't have the Money right Now to get a PH tester but will try to get it One.!!!! soon... thanx for the Advise did put a fan.!! for it to have Air circulation for it to cool.. the tree.!! thanx for your Advice:bigjoint:tumblr_lureex3JAE1r099cco1_500.jpg


well Just wanna ask the Flush did you do it with some type of chemical ? or Just Clean Water!! well I am just gonna have to do the flush with Clean water from Now On till Flowering goes into Bud formation.!!! I am leaving the Nute's alone for Now!!! :blsmoke:tumblr_mqleewiazj1r4ckmfo1_500.png


10-13-13 (2).jpg10-13-13 (3).jpgThe tree was fine but My Brother thought by spraying the Leaves.!!! with Water & Miracle-Grow did it like about 3 to 4 times using a Sprayer was gonna make it better In my Own Mind I said to my self.!! he gonna mess up the Leaves he So Arrogant.. & stupid I knew it was a bad Idea but he did what he wanted Now!! he know his Idea was a bad idea he a fool lol,:sad::leaf:that is the result of His Stupidity.!!!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Dude, I promise you that aint burn from MG. Start watering them with either a tsp per gal of Epsom Salts, or get them some Cal-Mag somehow. Thats either a P or an Mg isuue, either way that will deal with it. The dead brown tissue will not regenerate, but if you watch the new growth it should be fine. Not that I recommend watering with MG on the plant at anytime during flower, but MG CAN and has been used with great success if one knows what one is doing. CERTAINLY not by me, but Ive seen too many really good grows done with it.