First time grower, need quick help!


Well-Known Member

I recently decided to start growing, and I'm currently testing 2 methods.

The moist paper towel method, and the sponge method.

I placed them (seeds, not clones) there about 2 hours ago, and while I still have time to make decisions, I'm seeking help to guide me through this.

I'm going to check them in 24 hours - next few days, and if they have sprouted I plan to find some small pots, layer them with a good inch of soil, and plant the sprouted seeds.

I'm then going to place them outside on one of my tables that gets a good deal of sunlight, and then attempt to place them under a light when I bring them inside.

I guess the real question is, can I place them outside immediately after I plant them? I don't have sufficient lighting at the moment, and I don't want them to die.

I'm doing more research, but I'm going to repeat the above steps for quite a while until placing them in the ground.

Am I missing anything, any advice given would be great.

OH! Also, what are those small brown balls everyone is placing inside their small pots? Does it really help?


Active Member
Well the paper towel method always works for me, but make sure not to let your seeds sprout to musch before you put them in the ground because you can damage the little hairs on the sprout and kill the plant before it even gets started. And I am a firm believer that you should move your plants around as little as possible. You should find a permanent place to plant your seeds and leave them there, cause if you move them too much you may shock and kill your plants.


Well-Known Member
I agree. I'm trying to limit the # of times I move them, unfortunately I live with my parents so the smell is going to catch me if I don't move them outside.

I have a great woodsy area for them.

My plans are to move from sprout to pot, then pot to ground.

Any advice on transporting carefully?


Active Member
Well how many plants do you have? and they dont start smelling untill you are flowering. I dont know where you live, but if it is warm at night, I would just put them into the ground outside and maybie cover them, but I think moving them every day is a very bad idea. If you are worried about smell, and have a good place to keep them inside, they wont stink, so keep them inside untill they are about 6 inches tall and decently stalky then transplant them outdoors.


Well-Known Member
EDIT: I'm not certain how many plants I will have. I would guess I'll ultimately end up with 3-5 good enough to make progress with.

I live in Louisiana, so the humidity is dense, and it gets pretty warm during both the night and day.

I'm also concerned that if I move them outside that they could become infected, eaten, etc...

I'm also not certain if I can provide enough light up until the 6in. mark.

Sorry for the complaining, I just figure plenty of people have been here before .


Active Member
its ok, if you don't know its good to ask. Humidity id good for seedlings, not as good for flowering, but 2-3 cfls will be plenty of light for small plants, they are very cheap and are small, dont put off much heat. When they are about 6" they should be healthy eough that they wont die. but if its warm at night I would just start them outside, covered and then that way you know that once they start growing you arn't going to shock them and they get used to the climate outside. You can aslo buy organic bug spray for your plants to keep bugs off.


Well-Known Member
Yea if they are going to be outside in humidity then bugs are a major concern. Otherwise just plant the seedlings outside and then in like a week or 2 bring them in. Smell isnt a concern for a while if you have seeds now.