Hi there. I've read quite alot of the posts in this section on leave yellowing and curling round but would like some advice on my own plants/setup. I've got some photo's and this is my setup.
1- box size is 2x3x5 foot
2- 400w hps light with 200cfm exhaust fan attatched too carbon filter
3- humidifier set too 60% but not sure how effective it is as it just been added
4- water when soil is dry 2" deep
5- 4 weeks old
6- just had there first feed yesterday as had delivery problems
7- 6" oscilating fan inside the box
The first 2 pics are of the older of the 2 plants (only by a few days) and the last pic is of the humidifiers position. Thanks in advance and I will be here to answer any questions.
1- box size is 2x3x5 foot
2- 400w hps light with 200cfm exhaust fan attatched too carbon filter
3- humidifier set too 60% but not sure how effective it is as it just been added
4- water when soil is dry 2" deep
5- 4 weeks old
6- just had there first feed yesterday as had delivery problems
7- 6" oscilating fan inside the box
The first 2 pics are of the older of the 2 plants (only by a few days) and the last pic is of the humidifiers position. Thanks in advance and I will be here to answer any questions.