First time grower...Opinions and suggestions welcome and wanted.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Thinking of buying a better Ph meter.I'd like to get a digital one.I've read that I should get one that is waterproof and has ATC (automatic temperature compensation).

Can someone recommend a digital Ph meter for me?

Maybe one that someone has used in the past?

I'd like to keep the price under $50 if possible.


Hanna Quick check or the likes of-----about 35-45 on egay very important tool the storage solution is nothing more then calibration solution the cleaning solution is nothing more then White Vinegar and R.O h2o. ---This will make sense when you buy one.


Well-Known Member
Thanx Cali for the suggestion.I checked those out and a few others.
Here's one I'm thinking of getting.

Lumatek did get back to me today and said I needed to contact the U.S. office.They gave me an email addy and phone #.I dont need to contact them anymore because the new bulb is working fine.If anyone needs the info let me know and I'll share it.

I'm adding 1 more Bubblelicious plant to my tent.Making that 3 Bubblelicious,1 White Castle,1 Master Kush.




Active Member
outdoor sativa&indica did pinching style to new branches and forming shoots. Next days stem where pinched was burnt hole in middle but still connected. Have been feeding water. What to feed?
Now other is my feeding
Water feed-molasses,and vermitea micronutes.
Nute feed-jacks202020,molasses,superthrve.
Next is wether to incorporate calmag+
or silicablast ????


Well-Known Member
i have the HANNAH PH CHECKER 1. This is a pretty good digital ph meter and cheap. I live in the UK.

the only thing i do is calibrate it after every 5 uses.



Well-Known Member


1-White castle
1-Master Kush
1-Bubblelicious Sprout

(Nirvana seeds)

Its been 10 days since the 4 plants have sprouted.
The White Castle has the most leaf growth.The master Kush is the smallest so far.
Bubblelicious - 2 1/2" tall.
Master Kush - 2" tall.
White Castle - 1 1/2" tall.

Moved my lamp from 3ft away too 2ft. Hope this is OK? Not sure how close the lamp should be at this stage of their growth??? I understand if its to close it burns them and to far away it stretches them.

I'm not having any heating problems since adding the A/C to the room.Day temps 80F or lower and night temps at 72F or lower.I can adjust as needed now.
Humidity has been around 30%-40%.

Any tips on when to transplant to 3 gallon gro bags?
I was thinking around 3rd week of growth.

Should have my digital Ph meter any day now.

The pix enclosed have the strain written on them.





Well-Known Member
11 Days of veg.

Quick update.

Lowered lamp to 15" above plants.

I know there's still along way to go.But I am enjoying growing.


Well-Known Member

13 days of veg.

Transplanted into 3 gallon Gro pots (smart pots) using 80% FFOF and 20% Perlite last night.
Moistened soil well before and after transplanting.
Lights are 14" away from plants.
Temp is 79F with 41% Humidity today.
Noticed a few little gnats flying and landing on soil.Not sure if I should do something about this yet? Only seen 3-4 gnats...

Should have my new digital Ph meter any day now,waiting for delivery.

Here are some pics of my grow,they're labeled.

Thanks to Jondamon for the plus rep in another thread.:bigjoint:





did u see da roots? i always get astonished to see just how fast they grow....... keep up da good work your plants look perfect. Now dont get lazy on da lady's


DAMM ur making me feel bad i haven't seen my tent dat clean since ...well.... never. im gonna have to clean it in da morning again really good start bro


Well-Known Member
Hey S.B.

Yea,I noticed the roots grow pretty quick. My tent is so clean because its new....I'm sure I'll mess it up soon. LoL




Well-Known Member

17 days of Veg.

Watered the girls today.Also picked up some unsulphured molasses (using next feeding). Looked for the black strap but couldn't find it. I read somewhere that as long as it's unsulphured it will work.
Ph meter finally arrived today with the calibration solutions.I'm going to try those out tomorrow.
Added some yellow sticky traps for a few gnats I've seen.Seems to be working.

Thinking of adding nutes for the first time in 3 days.They'll be At 20 days Veg. Going to start out with 25% FF Big Bloom and 1 tsp unsulphured molasses.
Does that sound right?





Well-Known Member

19 days of Veg.

Transplanted the last of the Bubblelicous today into a 3 gallon bag (Gro Pot).

Did my first FIM today, on my White Castle. Hope its not to early and that I did O.K. ?

The Ph meter I received was faulty and had to return it. I ended up ordering a better one.

Tomorrow I plan on giving 25% FF Big Bloom and 1 tsp unsulphured molasses for the first time to the girls.





Well-Known Member

20 days of Veg.

Fed the plants today for the first time. Mixed 1/2 Tbl spoon of FF Big Bloom and 1 tsp of molasses per 1 gallon of water.
Also FIMMed the Master Kush. I'm not going to Top Or FIM the 3 Bubblelicious because they are Auto-flowering.




Well-Known Member
So I finally got my digital pH checker , calibration solutions and pH up & down fluids.

I checked my tap water and it read pH 7.4
Also checked some water I let sit out with lids off to let the chlorine evaporate ,that read pH 7.9 . Got this reading from several different (clean) containers I had opened.Thought this would have been lower.

Tomorrow I'm going to be watering my plants.I plan on checking the water pH before I water and after (run off).

1-Master Kush
1-White Castle

All in FFOF

Here's my questions...

Do I need to adjust the pH down in my water before I water my plants?
Or should I water one and see what the run off pH is before I adjust anything ?

Thanx for any help...




Well-Known Member
Any suggestions on my pH questions?

I'm not having any signs of any pH problems.Just want to try and do everything right.

Thanx for your time.


Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Paging Jondamon.

I think FDD2BLK once said, "Whats PH'? His point was PH is irrelevant in soil, there were alot of people disagreeing with him.


Active Member
Paging Jondamon.

I think FDD2BLK once said, "Whats PH'? His point was PH is irrelevant in soil, there were alot of people disagreeing with him.

pH is important in hydro and not as much of an issue with soil grows. That being said, most soil growers don't get very concerned with soil pH until it becomes a problem. Usually pH becomes an issue in soil grows when the grower decides to use a sub-par soil and then adds nutes to an already burned plant. Lowphat, you have chosen wisely. FFOF is a great blend. Nutes are already pre mixed in and their soil is pH balanced. Just keep an eye on the pH with your meter. Adjusting the pH in soil can be tricky but very doable.


Well-Known Member
I pH my soil as well as any watering my plants get whether foliage feeding or regular watering, just to be sure I know where they are at pH wise so I know what nutrients they are receiving. Mainly I do this because it gives me something to do. :-)

Here's a chart to show you what pH is needed to receive the nutrients they need.

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