First time grower. Plant Dying? HELPPP!


:wall:.... this is how we feel.

Our fist plant is about 3 months old and about a good 2-3 feet tall and I have NO CLUE where I am in the cycle nor do I know what Is happening to my plant. :(

1.) The top tier of leaves are drooping near the end of the tip.
2.) The leaves begin to curl under.
3.) Bottom leaves are dark in color and seem to be dying.

I need advice, help, etc.


Well my friend,

You will be the first of many that let me refernce some of my old notes and i may be able to help you.



***** ***srry about the last typo... this fire is smooooth as shit**************

basically let me hit u up in a min. im a nub at the entire computer side of the game.

im going to ref some old notes and ill hit you up here before its too late for those plants.

just sit is on the way. lmao.



New Member
your plant has gonadial hysertrilolia systemilliasia a very rare cannabis condition thats generally diagnosed when you dont ad pictures to a " whats wrong with my plant" post

its virtually impossible to try to diagnose plant problems without decent photographs.

give us a breakdown on your grow

what sort of lights are you using?


watering schedule?



how close are your lights to your plants?

that doesnt even scratch the surface. like i said, without pix, your post is worthless...


Ight before we find the andser to the issue here, lets get some facts straight....

1. How is the "cycle" unknown?
2. Are you not keeping track of your first harvest's progressions and stages?
I. If not its ight. Just tell me how long you have switched the light cycle to 12/12 hrs a day.
3. What strain are you growing.
I. Indica, Sativa Ratio etc.
4.Nutrients used so far.
5.Temp and Humid conditions (curently and past)
6. What kind of light . (HPS ect.)
7. Size of grow space.
8. Indoor or outdoor.

Before I take the time to look into this further; I'll be lookin for that info from you. Also, I've been in your shoes and want to help.

Hypothesis: Symtoms showing dirive from something that may have set the plants into shock due to recent activity.

But, until then smoke a blunt because I might be able to find some shit in my notes for you.


New Member
my plants were 3ft tall 30 days after starting them, and are 2 weeks into flowering)

i wonder how i get my plants to loo like this without all that expensive BS?



Yo, like I said I just created my profile tonight then I seen ur post one min later.

-much respect to OldManPot as it seems like he can wrap this conversation up for me because ive go to go out.

If you ever need any growing tips I welcome questions and photos from all. plz rate

Ole Budheavy

Well-Known Member
Basically I need a step-by-step guide on how to grow. :)

If you want it all laid out for you, just purchase a grow book. There are numerous guides.

This forum is for people who research, grow, and experiment.

It might serve you well to take the information in from different sources like you tube or google. Hell I have learned a lot from RIU, but also from other sources. :bigjoint: