first time grower, seeds won't sprout.


Well-Known Member
Got a picture of the sprout?, I've nearly killed a few and brought em back, they can take a beating! Lol
They sure can, usually the killer is over loving.
I've had major ph issues with a sprout and it lived
I've lost over half the root system in transplant and it lived
Over fed, got nut lock and some how it survived.
I've nearly severed stalks trying to train and yup,survived with some careful patch work.


Also what's a safe distance to keep the VHO lights at. I had it at 8 inches and the plant was growing really really slowly so I moved it up to 4 inches away from the light and within about 2 hrs it started to grow.


Well-Known Member
Also what's a safe distance to keep the VHO lights at. I had it at 8 inches and the plant was growing really really slowly so I moved it up to 4 inches away from the light and within about 2 hrs it started to grow.
Distance depends on the heat they generate. Closer is better, just be mindful of the heat they put off. Put your hand under the light, palm down, hold it there for about a minute. If it starts to feel a little too hot for you, it's to hot for the plants.


Distance depends on the heat they generate. Closer is better, just be mindful of the heat they put off. Put your hand under the light, palm down, hold it there for about a minute. If it starts to feel a little too hot for you, it's to hot for the plants.
OK thanks will do


Well-Known Member
O.... Ok, that one looks pretty well loved, leave it alone for about 5 days if it's alive then it will be fine


Well-Known Member
I agree with bbcchance, leave it be. The leafs that are currently there are probably toasted and will eventually fall off. Look for new green growth in the center. Keeping my fingers crossed for ya.


Ok so, update. the plant fell over and died. I then germinated 3 bag seeds from some local weed. Place them under the light, jus for some tests I been hitting one with the same nutes I used on the first plant since seed. All 3 doing just fine at one week old. The one that's been getting the nutes looks greener and bigger than the other 2. All of them are almost touching the t5 lights and growing fast and healthy. My bag seeds are thriving alot better than the supposed good stuff I bought online. Is it beginner's luck or are these high grade feminised seeds more sensitive?


Well-Known Member
Seedlings don't need fed till they have leaves, the cotyledons are like umbilical cords, it has all the little ones need, I am happy to hear you not giving up growing though!


Yup. But how come the other died from the feeding and these just sucking it up. Do different strains accept nutes differently?