First time grower...some help


Im new to growing...well...i havent started yet but i did a shitload of research on growing an i just have a few questions. First ill tell you my situation, i wana start growing but i cant get my hands on the advanced stuff because of the fact that im in my mid teens, and i cant get mom or dad to drive me to the store or theyll bug the shit out of me about why i need nutes and hps bulbs or CFLs and all that stuff. So this is what i have and i could probably only get my hands on until i get a car or licence. I have a 60 watt clear globe bulb, not fluorescent, and i have it hooked up to a desklamp which ill slip through the grow boxes top. I have a box already made coated in tinfoil but the box's measurements are to small to grow so im making a a new box and ill probly spray paint it or paint it with a brush white. Its about 1foot width, 1 foot length, 4 ft+ in height(not to sure about height) and another problem i have is i cant get nutrients but i do have nutrient filled soil. Now my question about that is if you need it to grow the plant, not want it if you want 20% THC, but if the plant will never grow without it. im wondering Also if the nutrients in the soil will take the liquid nutrents place. I also have another question which is about the smell. I heard if you put vinigar on a plate it will take away the smell. If thats true im also going to spray it once or twice a day with disinfectant lycol. One last question, do u think i could probably grow this and have the bud fully develope within 3 months of planting it? Thanks for yuor time and if you have solutions and answers thatd be great!:leaf:


I managed to find nutrients in my shed today and it looks like it's gonna be good but now I just wanna know about the smell dilema and if the globe bulb will work


Active Member
you souldnt grow if you cant even drive yet but to answer your question no you will not have a fully flowered bud in 3 months if you want any type of a descent yield. I mean you could grow like a 4 in plant than flower it and maybe get a gram off it but a 60w globe bulb isnt going to do much at all. You should just wait till you can afford things and are old enough to get the things you need. I have never heard about the vinager thing but I highly doubt that would work. And when you say your going to spray something with alcohol I hope you don't mean your plant. Best advice for you is to just read read read and wait till you can get your hands on the basic supplies you need.


Well-Known Member
yeah ive heard of vinigar in a bowl and it worked for me when i lost a turkey carcass it was in the oven for a week and stunk the house long story but the other thing is this website is 18 yrs and up so yeah. the other thing is if you get caught by leo with the stuff in your house, your parents can loose their house. you and your parents can be arrested and if you have any family in the house underage they will most likely go to foster homes. read a lot more. dont disrespect your parents and put everything at risk. just wait till you have your own home and your license then at that point do what you please but read till then if your serious


Active Member
if you must grow put a soft wht cfl in your lamp,23 watts at least that may start 2 little plants for you,you dont have to worry about smell for a long time.


i guess i might not grow now looking at the stakes but idk...ill probably wait till i get my liscense than ill start growing....and how would the 5-0 know that im growing?


Well-Known Member
dude grow . just be smart , dont go around telling everyone , for your lighting question that bulb wont work goto your local store(walk) and pickup a bulb that says flurocent 6500k cooldaylight , you will see the 6500k on the pack somewhere , there like 4bucks .and make sure you have the rite screw in wether its a bayonet or e27 etc..


The thing is with the bulb compared with cfls is (tell me if it'll do for growing one plant)its "crystal clear" it's got 870lumens idk what this means but its an a19bulb and 60's clear so that's why I thought it'd be desent for growing and also it's 60 watts but I'll probly just pick one up from a close by store if they have them one of these days...btw what exact type of bulb should be used for growing one plant...and one that saves money on the electric bill I guess...any answer would be appreciated


Update...Im making a 2 ft (Width) x 1 ft 3 in (length) x 3 ft (Height)...I have a 26 watt daylight CFL with 1750 lumens and it is suposedly equal to a 100 watt indescent or whatever they are called...I have liquid nutrients and plant foods...the liquid is 10-15-10...The only questions I have now is that will this grow a healthy plant in 18/6 for 1 month/3 weeks and 12/12 2 months-2 1/2 months?


And I might not grow due to the fact I dont want to put my parents and family at risk...But the thing is It has been anounced that suposedly the war on drugs is over and that they wont be cracking down on people who grow...but also the cops in my county are MAD lazy so they really wont do shit for someone growing or even be able to find out if I am so if you think it might be safer, comment and tell me if i should try a one time grow...One more thing, the person i would be getting my seeds from doesnt know the strain...when do u think i should cultivate for an unknown strain?and should i put it under 12/12 from seed due to the fact of time constraint and space my above section and tell me if I should go 12/12 or 18/6 to start out with