First Time Grower: The Veggy Box


Active Member
thanks :) first time indoors though. i've done outdoors like twice and it turn out good as well.. guess i got that gene idk >.< i just read alot i guess. your grow is looking good as well


Active Member
so it would be day 41 into flower. I'm wondering if i could trim a lot of the leaves off to provide even more light to all the buds? any suggestions on what to do or if i can do it? And I don't think my clone attempt worked, didn't even use clone gel and i think its dying lmao :) Made a new veg/ clone box untill my first batch is harvested and I can transfer them on over. The seedlings werent getting enough light all to themselves so i made a new chamber outta rubbermaid! yay...

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Well-Known Member
so it would be day 41 into flower. I'm wondering if i could trim a lot of the leaves off to provide even more light to all the buds? any suggestions on what to do or if i can do it? And I don't think my clone attempt worked, didn't even use clone gel and i think its dying lmao :) Made a new veg/ clone box untill my first batch is harvested and I can transfer them on over. The seedlings werent getting enough light all to themselves so i made a new chamber outta rubbermaid! yay...

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On my last grow I took off some of the lower leaves that werent going to produce much of anything.... everything turned out fine... Then as leaves would slowly turn a little yellow and I would take em off... seemed to get more light to the plant and the plant focuses more energy on producing bud... just dont go overboard.


Active Member
day 46 on flower? looks like to me i need to keep em at decent amount of N towards the end of the grow, guess i cut the N out a little to early cuz they are turning yellow a little to early? or maybe they are on schedule. anyways they smell delicious, kinda a nice lemony smell. i pinched the tops of the buds to see if it would make a difference, we shall see :)

when do you guys think they would be ready for harvest? the big single cola in the back doesnt really have any red hairs yet. so i'm guessing when the buds are mostly red hairs i pick?

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Active Member
Day 52 into flower. The buds are getting bigger, most definitely noticeable. I was like wtf they are growing again lol :). My guess it was the gravity i used like a week and a half ago. Just wondering if they are ready to pick and hang. other than that the newbies got transplanted yesterday into gallon bags.

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Active Member
day 56 into flower. pretty much lookin the same. they all got watered today, even the little guys.

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Active Member
flower day 60.
and no idea what day on the noobies. just gunna start counting when i start to flower them.

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Active Member
flower day 68. went ahead and cut down the girl on the far right of the box. Her buds were showing a lot of swelling. I will give the other 2 girls the rest of the week before cut down. if not mid of next week.

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Active Member
flower day 74. Chopped the other smaller one down and hung it up. Just one more to go. will give it alittle longer. Wish i had scales so i could weigh all this. the first batch is dried now and smells really sweet. This second batch has a different aroma but won't know until fully dried.

The newbies are just now going into 12/12. so I will count the flowering once they show sex.



Active Member
3.5 oz off of 3 girls under 300 watts of cfl's in soiless mix. My nutes were fox farm trio, fish em, beastie blooms, cha ching, and gravity. using bud candy this go round with my 2 new girls which are about 2 weeks into flowering. already pinched the buds for the first time. they are on the same nutes but with bud candy added into.

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Active Member
17 days into flower. this is suppose to be the same seeds as last grow but they look completely different. maybe cuz i didn't screw this round up lol... clones finally took root, don't have picks on them yet but they haven't really grown that much, just roots.

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Active Member
looking good so far. clones are finally growing and switched into veg, will transplant soon into bags. germed 2 bag seeds and put them in dirt today, just dickin around waiting on some lemon haze, trainwreck, and master kush clones from a friend. looking forward at getting some 'good' shit soon. Its like week 4 into flower on the 2 girls in flowering, lookin good. started to get that danky smell to em


Active Member
Haven't posted in a while. Now on 3rd grow, second crop already smoked :) yielded maybe 1.5 OZ off those 2. First crop got way more quantity from seeds!!! Yielding less now off of clones now but its ok. still good Smoke from X plant.


Currently i have 2 X plants about 8 weeks into (back row) , 1 Lemon skunk (front left), 1 Train wreck (front right) into about 5 weeks. I tried taking some clones off the LS and TW so far I've lost 2 and the rest i still don't know about. they look like crap. The X plant was really easy to clone, and are still doing great. maybe some clone tips from non rookies lol. are the better strains more sensitive???


some pics of my new PC clone box i rigged up a few weeks back. So far its not working properly tho because the new strains are giving me problems :( with cloning. Green cups are X plant clones doing great. Others are the lemon and trainwreck strains. crappy.... one in back left is dead i believe and I already tossed one.

I have a question on my X plants in the back row in the flower box. Tips curling up and brown spots? anyone know what the problem is? maybe heat stress or mag def?