First Time Grower(Using CFLs)


PC i'll take all the help i can get. I would never turn down someone trying to help me. I wouldn't say i was going for the stealthy grow. Just thought it would be cheaper to veg in rubbermaid bin. Since i was using bag seeds, i thought i would just try a few things to see how this grow turns out. PC i just tried to p.m you but it said i couldn't. If you can, send me a p.m when you get a chance.


Day 21/1

I moved my plant to the flowering box today as it had out grown the veg box for this grow. I also changed the lights from 18/6 to 12/12. I have in my flowering box 2 120mm pc fans. 1 for intake and for outtake. A 9' fan to help with the air circulation. I have 4 42 watt 2700k in there at the moment but i'm planning on adding more soon.

Day 21 : 1.jpg


Here's a lil update on how my lil lady is going. I think i can call her a lady now as i saw some pre flowering that looked like white hairs. Just hoping she done hermi on me. I burnt a piece of one of her leaves a few days ago but all seems to be well. Due to my shift work i wasn't about to adjust my lights but at one point they were to far from the lights an they stretched a lil but still looking good and compact.

Day 25 / 5 days since switching to 12/12

Day 25 : 5.jpg

Day 25 : 5(1).jpg

Day 25 : 5(2).jpg

How is she looking to you guys? Anything i could be doing differently? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Why the 12-12 switch? Is the vegetative period for your strain very short? I only ask because I have read that traditionally told that its best to allow the plant to mature at eight weeks. Then again you appear to have had better results than me. Check out my thread under cfl + spot gro


Why the 12-12 switch? Is the vegetative period for your strain very short? I only ask because I have read that traditionally told that its best to allow the plant to mature at eight weeks. Then again you appear to have had better results than me. Check out my thread under cfl + spot gro
you can veg however long you want. you just have to take into account that the plant triples in height during the flowering stage so the longer you let the plant veg out the bigger it gets in flowering. mj is still illegal, so it's a lot of stealth grows here.


you can veg however long you want. you just have to take into account that the plant triples in height during the flowering stage so the longer you let the plant veg out the bigger it gets in flowering. mj is still illegal, so it's a lot of stealth grows here.
Thanks for the info, hyperan, one piece of information that i didnt know about the plant. Height tripling is awesome. Guess I'll start them up tonight.


Why the 12-12 switch? Is the vegetative period for your strain very short? I only ask because I have read that traditionally told that its best to allow the plant to mature at eight weeks. Then again you appear to have had better results than me. Check out my thread under cfl + spot gro
I switched to 12/12 just to see if i have any flaws in my process. I don't now the strain that i'm growing as they are from some bag seeds i had laying around. After reading buds for less were he switched his lights to 12/12 after 21 days, i decided i would give that a try to see what my yield would be for this grow.


I'm currently germinating 3 royal hash seeds. Two of them i put straight into the soil and the other one i used the paper towel method. I've either been having some problems germinating seeds or they just wasn't any good. Lets say out of 20 bag seeds only one popped. Which is the plant i'm using for this grow. The royal hash seeds i'm attempting to germinate are my free seeds so i could care less about them. Just trying to make sure i can successfully germinate more seeds before i start my Northern Light & THC Bomb seeds.


I'm currently germinating 3 royal hash seeds. Two of them i put straight into the soil and the other one i used the paper towel method. I've either been having some problems germinating seeds or they just wasn't any good. Lets say out of 20 bag seeds only one popped. Which is the plant i'm using for this grow. The royal hash seeds i'm attempting to germinate are my free seeds so i could care less about them. Just trying to make sure i can successfully germinate more seeds before i start my Northern Light & THC Bomb seeds.
good luck on getting these ones to germ, it's more than likely the seeds, as germinating is hard to screw up haha. 24 hours in a saucer of water in the dark, throw it in a damp paper towel, and wait for the taproot to appear. hopefully the RH seeds are good and will pop this time.


Ok so i think i might have a little problem. When i knocked off from work last night. i went to check on my baby girl before the light went out, and when i open the door to the flowering area i saw a lil bug that looked a lil reddish as is flew out. I also noticed a few rust looking spots on one of the leaves. I did a good look thru the leaves top and bottom but didn't notice anything. Mind you i didn't know what i was looking for either. Unfortunately i won't be able to get some pics up until i knock off today. Hoping when i get home it hasn't gotten any worst. By the way the temp are 80-84F lights on and 77F when lights are off. Humidity is between 40 - 50%.



Here's the pic showing the spots that i was referring to. The spots are on a few more fan leaves as well. It doesn't look to serious at the moment thou. I didn't notice anymore flying bugs when i got home but i will continue to monitor the situation. Is this a nutriment deficiency?

Day 27:7.jpg

Here's what she's looking after 7 days since the switch. I can't seem to make my mine up to wether or not i should start trimming her or let her all the way thru the way she is.

Day 27:7(1).jpg

Day 27:7(2).jpg


Active Member
im having the same problem. im not gonna water any of mine for the next couple days. looks awesome!!!



Sorry guys been away on some business for my job and left my baby in the hands of my dad only to come back and find that it was full of seeds. Thats plant got chopped down and three royal hash seeds were planted and died. I don't know what my dad was doing but he had claimed to know what he was doing since he used to grow when i was younger. So far i've yet to complete a grow and i'm now hoping that i have some luck with my THC Bomb seed thats been planted. I don't know the sex yet as they are regular seeds. I plan to place another order soon to order some feminized seeds to make sure i get all females next time around. Also i've yet the try my luck with my NL seeds. Work has been keeping my pretty busy but i plan on trying to stay on top of things this time around. Below are the pics of the plants that didn't make it as well as the one left standing. Fingers crossed its a female.

Bag seed

Royal Hash ( All three of them looked like this and died with out really growing)


THC Bomb

This was how it looked after it was topped but i was able to recover it.


1st week into flowering after 5 weeks of veg
