first time grower would like some help

my girl is almost 3 weeks old and she has leafs that the tips are turning yellow, im using MG organic mg perlite and a lil bone meal
could be the bone meal , they are very sensative at this stage , how often are you watering ? over watering is a common mistake people make .
is it the new growth or the old bottom leaves ?
old bottom leaves as in cotyledons? Like these:


^^ The round ones, not serrated ones...the Cotyledon leaves supply the initial nutrients the plant uses to survive before utilizing nutrients from the root system, they will brown and die off. If its those two leaves don't worry about it. If its more than those snap a picture and upload it so we can see ;)
I doubt they're root bound yet, and I'd bet anything it isn't the bone meal. Just chill and keep an eye on them. YOU DO NOT NEED TO FEED for at least another 6 weeks. Just water. Why did you add bone meal at this point? Although they are good for new root formation, higher P ferts (like Bone Meal) are more for flowering. GOOD choice going organic BTW!!!
to tell you the truth i dont what i was thinking when i added the bone meal i dont know why i did it, because MG organic already has enough nutes in already. i didnt add that much though so i hope it doesnt mess up my grow. thank you, i dont want to do anything but organics.
massah its the leaves your talking about and the 2nd stage of leaves, sorry i cant find my camera cord, cant post pics at the moment
Hey bro, r the second stage leaves touching the soil when you water? It could be they are just burning from water/nute on the leaves?? Just a guess without pix... bongsmilie
It's not gonna hurt anything. I was just wondering. Dude, you sound like me when I first started. You gotta just chill. Growing MJ is no different than any other plant. It doesn't require anything "special", and has done quite well without our interference for thousands of years. Give it light, water, food, and a good growing medium and just sit back and let her do her thing. Less is more when it comes to plant nutrition. We have a huge tendency to "love" our plants to death if we aint careful.
For now, just worry about growing it in the easiest, least complicated, manner and when you get that down, THEN start to refine your methods.