First time Grower


Active Member
Hi there everyone.

This is my first post on this board. About a week ago i started growing for the first time. I took advice from friends and began to germinate the seeds using a damp paper towel. Since i put the 10 seeds i got into the dampended paper towel around half of them have already "sprouted". Those that have i've planted in small pots. I plan to do the same with the rest of the seeds once they have all germinated. I plan to move them to an undisclosed location that gets planty of sun throughout the day.

Now my questions is, becuase spring/summer is here to stay what methods or suggestions do you have for moving them outdoor? Also, is it a bad thing to water the sproutlings using the standard fertilizer that you can pick up at any hardware/garden shop*? Does it help to use specialized potting soil that has added nutrients in it to help the sproutlings along?

Any and all help/suggestions are welcomed :leaf:


Well-Known Member
You will want to give them water only for about 3 weeks,ferts will possibly burn them if they are too small


Well-Known Member
you can also get root hormone for the seedlings.
will you be using a light on them or is it right outside for them?


Active Member
you can also get root hormone for the seedlings.
will you be using a light on them or is it right outside for them?
I'll be keeping them inside until it gets a bit warmer out. As of now i keep them under light during the day then around 9pm i'll put them in the dark.

Right now they are in the dark


Well-Known Member
you should get a timer so there is a specific time schedual, it is not good for the plant to have an eratic lighting schedual. 18 on, 6 off is best for me.


Well-Known Member
rep + if i am any help(reputation points, the little balance weigher in top right of box.)


Active Member
you should get a timer so there is a specific time schedual, it is not good for the plant to have an eratic lighting schedual. 18 on, 6 off is best for me.
I'm not growing enough for me to justify buying a timer.

I just today put the 4 seeds that had germinated into pots.

rep + if i am any help(reputation points, the little balance weigher in top right of box.)


Well-Known Member
look at that eh, very nice. well with this person as a friend you should alright then eh! ha ha ha.


Active Member
look at that eh, very nice. well with this person as a friend you should alright then eh! ha ha ha.
Yea, i told him he should advertise on forums like this one but he doesn't want his company to have the wrong reputation. As of now it is a small company, but hopefully he will get bigger soon.

A while back when we were getting baked he said when the company gets big enough i'll have a job with the company:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i would dig a hole about 2 feet deep, fill it with good soil mix and slap em in.then make shure to bring more soil after it rains to top em off once the soil has setled so it does not become a crater for water to flood. other than that. prety standard.


Well-Known Member
you put them outside in shade for 1 hour
next day 2 hours
next day 3
next day 2 hours in sun
next day 3
next day 4
so on and so forth untill they are out for the whole day then you are good.
this makes shure they get ready to be outside , strengthening them for the wind, rain, bugs etc....


Active Member
you put them outside in shade for 1 hour
next day 2 hours
next day 3
next day 2 hours in sun
next day 3
next day 4
so on and so forth untill they are out for the whole day then you are good.
this makes shure they get ready to be outside , strengthening them for the wind, rain, bugs etc....
Sweet. Thanks for the tips.

I'm out, i'll be back later on. I'm gunna rip a few bongs and play some xbox