dude you need to put that plant in a smaller pot seriously. the foil is fine just know that it only reflects like 25% light but if tour on a budget its better then nothing.It is a large pot had a few seeds but this is the only one that grew to scared to transplant any advice
Really? Never experienced this problem. But good to know. Yes white paint is way better reflects more than you would think.Yeah aluminum foil creates hot spots.. flat white paint does a good job.
Wow guys shot for all ur input it really helps me. I think i will try the white paint method.
She now at 15 days
Yeah aluminum foil creates hot spots..
Yeah foil works fine. all rumors are fake. They juat reflect poor lightingI've said it before (many times) and I'll say it again "That's just Bullshit!". Noboby has actually had that problem - ever. It's just an old wive's tale that keeps getting passed along. In order for that to be true, a large amount of surface area would have to focus the light onto a very small area - extreemly unlikely!
The real reason not to use aluminum foil is that it is a "Piss poor" reflective surface for growing (even though it looks good to the eye).
Nice man just be patient these are my 2 plants at 2 weeks. Fed them aggressive vegitative nutes at 1st week. by the way don't ever do that but somehow it worked out for meoh well 17 days old
SO far yes topped them both once. Going to do it again probably today might wait another few days this is my frist grow so im trying to be as patient as possible. Your plants are doing real well dont worry. Get you plants a nice trio of nutes. At a local hydroponic shop Or maybe look online. Or go to homedepot if you dont have a store locally. They have good stuff. I usually stay away from Miracle GroWow Dank those are awesome plants i hope mine will eventually get like that,have done any topping
Nice bro! They look great!!!!! Dont be afraid to experiment with the nute level. I found starting a tad high givea the roots a huge boostJust an update of my girl 22 days