First Time Growing. Advice Would be Greatly Appreciated


Active Member
oh and about your watering. dont do it twice a day... water them really good till you see water coming out the bottom, then dont water again till the pot is really dry and light.. lots of new growers actually try to hard, it is a weed you know, provide light, soil, and air/co2 n just let them gooo
naa dude i wouldnt reccomend watering until the water is running out the bottom, that means the soil is too saturated which makes it harder for roots to penetrate thru the soil, thus making the plants stunt in growth....


Active Member
and i suggest you do ur first grow with shitty lights n stuff.. when u perfect it move up to the bigger lights and ull be a pro


Active Member
naa dude i wouldnt reccomend watering until the water is running out the bottom, that means the soil is too saturated which makes it harder for roots to penetrate thru the soil, thus making the plants stunt in growth....

umm I water slowly untill I see a few drops come out the bottom, and dont water again till dry.. it has never let me down


Active Member
and i suggest you do ur first grow with shitty lights n stuff.. when u perfect it move up to the bigger lights and ull be a pro
read my long ass post i left.....and i am on my FIRST grow now, i just did my homework for months before, consulted with many professionals and experienced growers and took in the best info i could...from the looks of it, my first grows going pretty fucking sweet..


Active Member
read my long ass post i left.....and i am on my FIRST grow now, i just did my homework for months before, consulted with many professionals and experienced growers and took in the best info i could...from the looks of it, my first grows going pretty fucking sweet..
yaa i agree with you, its just he didnt do his homework, thats the only reason I said that.. me and you have done are homework as im on my first real grow now.. check it

nice grow btw


Active Member
well my schedule for veg was about every 3 days (1.5 liters water per 3 gallon pot) until i set a flower schedule -sunday, i dilute all my nutrients and goodies per gallon, i use 2 seperate $.99 gal distilled water for maintaing a good pH every water and split the 2 gallons between 5 pots) -wednesday i water with just SuperThrive, Cornucoppia Plant Energy, and FF Big Bloom)


Active Member
nice ill follow yours
cool man thanks, your girls look great too. looking very sturdy and healthy..i recommend training them like LST and topping...i did both methods, and they worked great..LST really brings up sideshoots and creates many tops and an even canopy...topping creates 2 more tops each top your cut off...i only topped once on one plant and this created 4 main stalks and really widened the fuckkkk out...way bigger yield for sure lol


Active Member
im gonna lst the 4 that I am keeping inside.. the ones that are going out, I dont have enough room (width) to top or lst them. so im just gonna let them get as big as they can until its nicer outside

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
I don't know who said it but you should definitely water your plants till it comes out the bottoms and then wait until the soil is dry to do it again. It doesn't become too saturated and isn't hard for the roots to grow through them. If that were the case, how the hell have these plants survived all these years without human help?? The reason to water until it leaks out of the bottom is because you want your roots to search for moisture. If you are just watering a little bit and not thoroughly the roots won't grow the way you want them to.

All these guys have given pretty decent advice except for that comment I read. For your first grow it is best to just keep it basic and simple. Once you have a couple grows under your belt then you should experiment with more advanced grow operations and different techniques.


Active Member
BOOOOM haha i knew I had my shit good

I don't know who said it but you should definitely water your plants till it comes out the bottoms and then wait until the soil is dry to do it again. It doesn't become too saturated and isn't hard for the roots to grow through them. If that were the case, how the hell have these plants survived all these years without human help?? The reason to water until it leaks out of the bottom is because you want your roots to search for moisture. If you are just watering a little bit and not thoroughly the roots won't grow the way you want them to.

All these guys have given pretty decent advice except for that comment I read. For your first grow it is best to just keep it basic and simple. Once you have a couple grows under your belt then you should experiment with more advanced grow operations and different techniques.


Active Member
Look man I did my first grow when I was 12 years old ok? im 26 now.. I had 4 40 watt flo tubes and it was simple and I learned alot from it so idk different people have diff views I guess

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
You are completely right. Everyone has their opinion and who knows their method could of worked wonders, the only problem I have is giving false information. If you don't know what you are talking about then don't open your mouth. Plain and simple :)

As for the guy that started this thread, Keep everything up...You seem to be doing a fine job. You aren't going to be perfect at growing your first time...just like anything in life, practice makes perfect. Don't take everyone's advice as some people are ignorant and think "They Know!" Just take it step by step and learn as you go. Good stuff so far if you need any help just ask I am subbed up so I'll be watching. Happy smoking :weed:


Active Member
and umm your grow is pretty basic for the first one, I was just telling him what worked for me good and I dont know any other way, so from now on ill make sure I say ''this works real good for me but take it as that'' k?

Bird Gymnastics

New Member
My grow is VERY basic for the first one. And that is how I intended it to be. I have enough knowledge to go and make my grow room look like Dexter's Laboratory...but that isn't my goal. I wasn't trying to start anything I was just correct whoever made a false statement. You on the other hand nailed it on the nose. :) You don't have to do anything different aside from me all I ask from you and EVERYONE on RIU is to stop feeding people BS. (That excludes you haze, you didn't give him bs)


Active Member
cool man.. I always try and think of any kind of fault with what im trying to tell people, if I feel like i dont completely understand i wont say anything.. anyways good luck n karma to you