First time Growing...Any advice?

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
One meter is deff too far away. I put thousand watt hps closer than that. The bits of advice i find most important is 1) keep your lights close but cool, and 2) keep your rootzone ph correct. Thats more important than what nutes your giving it...maybe. But do some reading up on keeping your rootzone ph in lin e. Good luck.
Oh yeah and i forgot i also killed one :( the baby one that i was worried about, i gave her far to many nutes. Lesson learned the hard way :(.


looking good nice and healthy green colour :) in regard to feed as you are still in veg shouldnt you have more N than p - k as ur still in veg mode also if your growing in compost with perlite mixed in does your compost already have feed in ??? some come with 4 weeks feed and you dont have to give them much nutriments, also have you left a feed ther ein the jug next to the plants ???
lol the jug does have feed in it but i dont leave it there was in the middle of giving them some when i stopped to take the picture lol. Yeah the compost came with the kit i bought and i did have some in it enough for 4 weeks. I dont give them much just a tiny drop in with the water. Also i dont ph test the water i have a filter jug and also i am in scotland so our water is fine apparently x


they look well gd, i think mine may have stretched so they didnt look as bushy as yours or as green but that may also be the strain what strain are yours ?? :)
the strain is a version of kush. It was labeled as easy kush ideal for first time growers lol. Thought best to try the easiest option. What you got like?? xx


Well-Known Member
looking good nice and healthy green colour :) in regard to feed as you are still in veg shouldnt you have more N than p - k as ur still in veg mode also if your growing in compost with perlite mixed in does your compost already have feed in ??? some come with 4 weeks feed and you dont have to give them much nutriments, also have you left a feed ther ein the jug next to the plants ???
that is not a healthy green color. those mofo's are like, olive drab, with bright lime green new growth. N toxicity. stop feedin' them so much, and so often.
I think possibly that the pictures i have taken don't show them at best color. Cuz they don't look like olive drab? they look pretty healthy to me and in comparison with other pictures on the net they look the same in real life & I don't feed them as much anymore or water them for that matter. xx