First Time Growing Attempt

I have one small plant that i have recently planted IMG_20140119_151139.jpgand only last night received 4 plants aged around 2-4 weeks IMG_20140120_053215.jpgIMG_20140120_053107.jpg
i have 3 Indicas and 1 Satilva so far after i have budded them i have planted to keep an ounce to myself and sell off the rest, i am really looking forward to how these plants will turn out, im growing them Indoor at night and outdoor on days :)


poke hole in bottom of buckets... remember to only water when they are light weight and need it.




Active Member
* Bad idea to take them outside and bring them inside. Besides being too cold, you will likely end up with pest problems.

* Do not put plants into transparent containers - the light will negatively affect the roots.

* When you transplanted them into the buckets, you put them too low - even in the picture, you can see you are not getting as much light because of this.

* Your soil does not have any perlite in it. It will take too long to dry out (especially this time of year) and will not allow for enough oxygen to get to the roots.

* Cannot see the design of what the plants are in from your pictures, but make sure there is either a) very good air flow and circulation - intake and outtake and circulation fan - or b) seal the room and supplement with an appropriate amount of CO2 for the current stage your plants are at.

* You will need a HID lamp or high powered LED to flower. You will not even get close to an ounce of dried weight otherwise. Careful with LED lights - they do not have very great area coverage.


Well-Known Member
You should leave one outside to finish off for personal use. Take a couple of cuttings of each plant before you switch them to 12/12 and keep the best plant.

What's your setup like? how much watts of light. To all other people on this thread: we live in New Zealand and it's peak summer here.
They look healthier since you first started this thread for sure. how high are your temps in the day?, it gets hot as down there.

Also what are you feeding your plants?. Tinfoil aint gonna do shit bro - Switched on has some proper reflective paper or you could paint the walls white. How much height do you have?.

Get some Guano powder from switched on or gurugardener when they're in flower and some earth juice catalyst too.

Good luck with the rest of the grow mate.