First Time Growing. Chose Outdoors


This is my first time growing and I was not 100 percent sure which way to grow the seeds. I went with what I thought was best (which really I wasn't sure) and pointed that little hole on the seed UP towards the sky. I have been reading into this, and do not know if I made a mistake or not. Anyone have any advice or input?
Hole in the seed?? o_O There should only be one opening and that's to let the tap root out when germinating...this small protrusion (Tap R00t) should be planted downward with the seed facing up. When the tap root gets a good hold on your medium or grow schtuff, it'll push that tiny little seed up and out of the dirt. Within a few days the seed should fall off and you should have two tiny rounded leaves called cotyledons which will feed your baby for a few weeks while it grows new foliage. NOTE: when you plant your baby AFTER germination preferably...make a hole about an inch or so ( maybe less) when planting. You can use your finger or a pencil, etc. If it's not too late you may be able to dig it up and replant, however if you don't replant, you may be ok anyway. Plants are quite smart ya know :) They def know which way is up or down, rest assured. Happy harvesting and good luck from now till then.
P.S. ..if the tap r00t "HAS taken hold" ,if or when you do decide to try digging it up, DO NOT disturb it, as long as it's not buried too deep it'll do it's job.