First Time Growing (HELP!)

I got 4 seeds the other day, so far I planted 2 (without germinating them) and the other 2 are just starting their 3rd day of germination (still look the same).

I wanted to ask a few questions and if you could help me out just drop a comment, cheers.


2 seeds are on 3rd day of germinating and I can't see anything happening to them yet.
I put a piece of paper towle on a plate sprayed it with water, put the 2 seeds on the paper towle then i covered it with a another peice of paper towel and sprayed that with water and then put a bowl over it. Is that the right way to do it or not? How many days should it take to sprout and how long can i wait til i know they are dodgy seeds?


I wanted to see what happened if I just planted 2 seeds without germinating them and so far both have little green sprouts(?) starting to shootout but im not sure if its the actual plant or just something thats growing out of the dirt, there about 1 cm tall or a bit taller.
Today is their 3rd day and it just seems to quick for it to grow already and I have the shittest place to grow.


If the weather is good I will put them outside in the sun all day and at night I bring them in and they sit under my bedroom light but there sitting in a box (lined with foil) that is hanging from the roof underneath the light. If the weather is shit they just hang under my light all day, I don't think the watts are to strong either. Hours are 16/8.

I think thats it for now. Does anyone know a way to grow weed indoors easily and cheaply (short on money) or is what I'm doing ok?

Thanks for the help

Peace out :peace: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
1. what kinda lights? it sounds like the two u planted have took and sprouted so thats good. sometimes it can take up to a week using the method of germination u did


Well-Known Member
make sure u germ in the dark! bud sprouts will look like two rounded single leaves followed by 2 sharper looking leaves ontop, after they will show either 3-5 leaf configs at like the second third node. Cant help w the light bc u didnt give any specs, if its cheap im assuming cfls?
yeah they are germinating in a drawer which no light can get in to.
they pretty much look like 2 rounded circle leaves i thought it was just a garden weed that was growing out of the dirt, the dirt is from my garden. im going to go buy some soil maybe for the other 2 seeds


Well-Known Member
Yeah, switch to some good soil. Two round cirlce leaves, then your single-bladed leaves will show, then 3, 5 and so on until it maxes out. Best of luck.
i should have some good soil in a few days or today hopefully the seeds are ready by then.
do you have a picture of what it looks like? so i can compare