First time growing help

Hi everyone im planning on growing for the first time within about a month and i wanna get some opinions on how i should go about doing this. I know a little bit about growing and have a general idea but any helpful imput would be great. I know i need to water with ph balenced water and i need to use nutrients but what brand of nutrients would be best, what type of groing medium would be good to use for first time growing, and what type of lights should i use. I have acces to plants from the dispensary so would that be a better start than germenating seeds myself of should i just start with seeds and germinate them myself? i will be growing indoors and only plan on growing 4-8 plants max. Again anything that would help would be greatly apreciated.
Well keep it simple on your first grow and dont expect everything to be perfect. Just use a basic grow medium even something like miracle grow. Dont use nutrients for the first 6 weeks at least and remember less is better than more when it comes to nutrients. And lighting is your own choice. I used CFL's my first grow and I am using them on my current grow. Im on skype and yahoo if you have any questions I would be more than happy to help